The Shrouded Path

While Azemo was all by his lonesome, the trek could not be described as boring.

Monsters seemed to jump from every crevice and corner. The next human camp Azemo found was chalk full of people trying to kill him. It seemed like everything in the dungeon was out for blood and Azemo was their only source.

The small fry, the leaping monsters and the humans were not too difficult for Azemo to deal with, a needle to a sensitive part usually did the trick. Still, as Azemo went deeper into the cave he noticed some more dangerous monsters.

Without (skill) Blend In, Azemo was not very sneaky and still he tried to creep past a massive giant with three eyes. If he had all of his gear he would have been confident in taking the fight, but with only some needles and thread, he was better situated to be a seamstress.

Luckily for Azemo, the giant was not very observant and Azemo managed to sneak by, even after he fell down a pile of loose rocks.