The Guards

While the mountains were drawing closer, Azemo also felt a hint of danger growing stronger. For the millionth time, he wished that he had some of his other gear.

He had never realized the crutch that his skills were until he tried to be stealthy. It was difficult because he was used to having (skill) Blend In, do all the work.

'I just have to work with what I have.'

Maybe if he succeeded in the dungeon, Azemo would be less reliant on all of his incredible equipment.

Stopping to think, Azemo felt a wave of hunger and exhaustion catch up to him. Before he was chasing after the Spear Goddess and had no time for the feelings, but when he stopped everything hit him.

Growling and gritting his teeth, Azemo emptied his mind of all thoughts of food and rest. Even with his human form, his eyes began to burn and Azemo bent down and removed his boots. It would be easier to be stealthy without the clunky boots.