A Trail of Destruction

After she finished the call with the military man, the woman in the chair, leaned back and tried to calm down.

It took quite a long time, but after a while she was able to slow her breathing down and clear her thoughts.

"Realistically what can a demon do with the information he has?" The woman liked to vocalize her thoughts because it helped her think things through.

"No human is going to believe a demon was even able to get into the dungeon. If he tries to spread the news, I just need to find some way to expose the fact that he is a demon."

With that statement the woman was able to calm down and she stopped thinking about the problem. There were still a lot of unknowns involving the demon lord, but she would not be able to figure anything out if she was overly pissed off.

"Do your worst demon. There is nothing you can do that will leave a mark on my operation."