The First Raindrop

"It is like he isn't even here, Az." Bella was reporting her findings to Azemo. It was morning and Azemo and the sisters had gotten a good night's rest.

"How is that possible? I thought he frequented the capital."

"I don't know. No one is talking about him, he doesn't seem to have a house and I can't ask questions...soo."

Azemo grimaced, he had never imagined it was going to be difficult to find the Supreme General.

'What if I ask a lord, or something?' Zaellis commanded respect and maybe a lord would point him in the right direction for some brownie points.

"It is probably worth a shot." Ima spoke for the first time. "Just remember that we can't attack as soon as we find him, he still has that sword."

"Okay mom." Azemo rolled his eyes before he stood up and stretched out, he had a goal for the day.

"Saboreth, how does an emperor schedule a meeting with someone?"

"My lord, all you need to do is give the order, emperors do not need to concern themselves any further."