A Classic Battle

"Please wait, the pope will bring you your sword."

The priest bowed her head and hurried back into the safety of the church. The atmosphere that the soldiers created felt ominous, like a fight was about to break out.

During the whole interaction, the soldiers were like statues, standing completely still and not even their eyes wandered. They were the personal guards of the Supreme General and they would act in a manner that befitted their title.

The Supreme General's disciples were a little more antsy and they stood near the gate of the church, fidgeting.

"So kind of you to wait for me."

Azemo was in no mood to be stealthy and he was walking straight for the Supreme General. His demon lord prestige, running wild and obscuring the crown with heavy clouds that forced humans to look away.

The second the demon was in range, the Supreme General's disciples moved to attack.

"Stay pu…"