A New Companion

The softness of the bed and the warmth of the sun was comparable to a day in a luxurious spa. As Azemo eyes slowly opened, it was time for another day of relaxation and Azemo lazily stretched his arms.

His body was a little sore and his left knee ached a little, but the cozy cabin was more than enough to make up for his body. 

'I wonder what is for breakfast today.'

Azemo was still waking up and he had not even remembered the previous night's activities. If he had, he would wonder why he was in a soft warm bed and not on the cold hard ground of the forest.

Slowly, he climbed out of bed and as his feet touched the wooden floorboards, Azemo noticed a small puddle of blood starting to drip to the floor.

The source was his left knee and as he looked closer, Azemo could see that below his knee he had a wooden substitute for his knee.

'Damn it, I have to clean up this blood.'