A Taste of Hell

"How can such a sacred trial be completed in such a manner? We must end the challenges, he is not worthy."

The voice that had spoken to Azemo so coolly in the challenge was raging. Not only had Azemo completed the test, the voice could not help but bear the blame, after all the voice had let arrogance and pride help Azemo.

"You know the rules." A slow, high pitched voice answered the first. "He completed the task set for him and we have no right to insult Tartarus by stopping him."

"Come on, please please please. Do it for your cute little sister."

"Eurgh… I do not change the rules. However, if you leave me alone, I will put him at the very beginning. He did take most of the allotted time, even if he only did the trial for a short time."

"Yeesss, haha no way he can succeed. I can't wait to watch him slowly burn out."

"Whatever, you have to talk to him when he enters my level since I am helping you procure your revenge."