One Final Set of Preparations

Azemo felt extremely happy and yet at the same time there were those familiar pangs of loneliness. He had healed his master, but just as soon as she returned, he had sent her off on a mission.

'At least I have you Reginald.'

"Indeed, my lord."

Azemo was sitting on the ground, not wanting to move around without a leg.

'Okay what do I need to do before I can head out? Get my new leg and… and eat the lily.'

Azemo opened his tome and used (skill) Hover to move the crystal orb containing the spirit flower.

Azemo looked deeply into the ball at the flower in its center. Time seemed to freeze as Azemo felt a deep hidden strength in the beautiful flower. Azemo reached for the orb and then he paused for a second.

'That old guy wouldn't lie to me, right?'

"I don't know this old guy you speak of, my lord."

Azemo thought about it for a couple more seconds before shrugging his shoulders, he would never know until he tried.