A Safe and Cheerful Journey

A row of dust covered travelers could be seen against the horizon as they trekked away from civilization. Their backs seemed weary, but their faces were alight with joy and they did not slow as they continued ever on.

Not a soul dared to interrupt their passage and even when they walked through a dangerous clump of trees, they were unhindered.

The reason for their safety were the two massive forms that cast shadows on the group as they travelled. Word had moved quickly and it was common knowledge that any that even threatened the group met a grisly end.

'You think we will be able to see Az soon?' Bella paused for a second to scrape some dirt out of her claws.

'Hmm I sure hope so, it has been a long time since we have seen that idiot.' Ima opened her mouth to unleash a cavernous yawn, signaling how long the group had been moving.