Human +++

Azemo sat on a small wooden chair that could not be called a throne, looking over a few reports. Azemo had never wanted to look over paper and stuff as a demon lord, but Ima had insisted.

The first report had to do with the horses that they had gotten from the war. Only four hundred of the original five hundred had survived and they were located in a newly made stable.

The report was inquiring about salaries of the stable keepers and if the horses should be sold.

Azemo decided to let Ima decide and he tossed the report aside, he was sure that Ima would be better at setting up a good baseline. Azemo was less of the decision maker and more of the gatherer and he was fine with that. He would continue to find ways to grow the country and bring back resources and Ima could do everything else.

At least that was what Azemo told himself when in reality he was just being lazy. One of the other reports Azemo had to read through was about the new currency.