Complete and Total Death

Time stopped as the demon lord raised his hand.

The general could not attack with the sword as his body was incapacitated and Azemo could use his full strength.

His demon lord aura exploded into the sky, forming into a giant before it all compressed, rushing into Azemo's raised gauntleted left hand.

It was already a strike that could shatter the earth and that was not enough. The claws on his left hand suddenly caught aflame as (skill) Pure Flame coated them. On top of the fire the sinister aura of (skill) Degrade permeated the air as it grew in power.

Red lighting raced through the air, infusing itself into Azemo's attack as (skill) A Warm Farewell, added to the mix. A dragon flew overhead as the entire area was cast into a darkness that allowed none to see. The only bright spot was the wavering beam of light that the heavens had sent to earth.