Maybe Stay Away from the Slums

"Okay everyone, let's head out."

After we had all locked up our stuff in our lockers, Azel gave the order and our club moved out.

For our image or something, we did not use any vehicle transportation and walked towards the more dangerous parts of town on foot.

The sun was still out and even though the streets were a little dirtier, it did not seem like that big of a difference to me. However, I am sure it was not the same for my companions, but they did not complain as we walked. 

In the past walking into that part of the city might have been dangerous. However, after a certain organization lost their leader around seven years ago, crime had plummeted. And besides, I swore that I caught a glimpse of the face of one of Jesen's butlers as we hurried past a group of people.

I chuckled to myself and kept my mouth shut, it would not be surprising if the girls also had someone watching over them.