The Power of a Single Arrow

"Follow me."

I did as I was told, over the past weeks I had never done anything but train and I was quite curious where Yukano was taking me as we left the manor.

When I moved to unstring my bow, Yukano stopped me and that indicated there would be some sort of danger where we were headed. Even if it was just more training, it would most likely still be dangerous.

However, the fact that Yukano carried her bow in her hand as she glided along the streets was rather worrying. It meant that she was likely to use the weapon and I was not sure what that meant.

I had to jog to keep up with Yukano, her smooth movements were surprisingly speedy, and yet not a fold of clothing rustled out of place.

It was an impressive sight and ten minutes later we were already out of the boundaries of the capital--Yukano knew some sort of shortcut.

Since I had never left the magical city before, my eyes took in the scenery as quickly as possible.