I am a Top Tier Tracker

In the morning my dreams were tossed aside, I had never really paid much attention to them before and I was not about to start. Rolling out of bed, I got dressed with all my gear, keeping the bag part of my chestplate unattached for breakfast, I carried it in my hands as I left the room.

I had already quadruple checked that I had everything and the longer I waited the more nervous I would be.

As I walked down the stairs, Azel looked at me in surprise, it was the first time I had ever woken up on my own. Apparently, she did not know the extent that my nerves could have on me.

"Good morning, we had some breakfast delivered so dig in. April and Jesen should be down soon."

Azel smiled and I saw that she was going over the gear that we were bringing. It could not be the first time she was doing the check and realized that she was doing exactly the thing I had been doing in my room.

Smiling to myself, I realized that even Azel could get nervous.