Lord of Nothing pt 2

It was only half a day's walk out of the forest and the sun peeked through the trees as it crested the horizon. We had spent an entire day and night awake and the sight of warm looking cottages were a welcome sight.

After making sure that Azel was being taken care of, we all followed a villager to a house with three warm beds. At first it seemed like we were going to talk for a bit as Jesen started to speak. However, he fell asleep as soon as he began talking and I quickly followed suit, it was not like we were going to disappear while we slept.

That day I only had a single dream, during the brief few seconds when my eyes first closed. A cloaked figure stretched across my vision and a soft voice spoke, "the seer awaits your arrival".

Afterwards, my sleep was uninterrupted and I slept as the sun continued to rise and fall in the sky. It was only when the moon had already reached its peak and began its journey back to the ground when I finally woke up.