Too Many Shocking Events

My left eye flashed as April walked down the stairs and even though I was not touching my bow, I saw her new class, [Brilliant Shadowstress].

Jesen came bounding down the stairs before I could say anything and I quickly took in his new class, as well. [Master of the Heavenly Ocean].

"My new class is called the Master of the Ocean and I even got a disguise skill. Water is good at obscuring things and on top of my new sword, I can change my appearance and class."

"Wait a second, isn't your class Master of the Heavenly Ocean?"

Jesen was about to summon his new sword, but my words stopped him in his tracks.

"How can you tell? What do you see when you look at my class, babe?"

"Master of the Ocean."

I laughed because I realized that my left eye had the passive effect of seeing through disguise skills. 

Jesen looked a bit peeved for a few seconds, before April reminded him of his new sword.