Back in the Capital

With the rising sun, a young man walked towards the gate of the capital, a cat on each shoulder and a hawk perched atop his head.

Naturally he was stopped by the guards who had doubled in numbers at the gate, the recent action in the capital was more than enough reason for more soldiers. The emperor was even considering withdrawing from beast territory, but he could not, he could not afford to look weak.

"Stop right there, what are these animals you have brought with you? We don't want more vermin on our streets."

"Hmm. You can't be talking to me, right?" The young man tilted his head to the side, as if hearing something incredulous.

"Yes you with the cats on your shoulder and the bird on your f*cking head. Did you forget they were there?"

The guards were very on edge and the kid acting ignorant only served to worsen their moods.