Not a Millimeter Surrendered

The heavy fog washed in front of Spiren's vision and before the demon lord could do a thing, he found himself in a new world. With a powerful sigh that pushed the mist away from him, Spiren unsheathed his sword, it seemed like his plan was not going to work.

The demonic presence was extremely clear in the fog and Spiren knew that the owner of the presence was not happy with him.

Spiren shook his head as he suddenly appeared in a large clearing, surrounding a pillar with a clawed hand on it.

"Do you really want to do this? The humans are a much bigger problem than me." Spiren's voice was casual, as if he was having lunch with a friend.

The only response the demon lord received was a low growl and Spiren shook his head as he sheathed his sword and stretched his arms out. It did not seem like the fight was going to happen immediately and Spiren was already thinking ahead to all the other things he had to accomplish after the battle.