An Angel's Wrath

Azemo slowly got to his feet with the help of his sword as he faced down the four humans.

"Is this really necessary?"

Blood dripped more freely as he got to his feet and he would have looked like a weak high school student if those horns were not so prominent and those eyes didn't burn so brightly.

His posture contained no hints of aggression and the heroes paused for a second, looking towards Azel.

Azel's eyes were hard and focused, but at the glances of her friends, she relaxed slightly, her mind racing. 'Maybe there was a better way of taking down the demon lord.'

She did not think for a second to let the demon lord go, however if they acted friendly maybe he would give them an opening. Since Azel did not have any way to signal to her party her plan, she knew the attack would have to come from her alone. 

Luckily, she had just the item. Something that had been hidden in the final pages of her spellbook.