
"No matter how much of a paradise this place is, it is still dangerous just like any other place," Zhu Jin stated with a hidden smile at the sight of Bai Shuixian's bright smile.

As she stood atop the cliff with a waterfall feeling the wind lightly touching her face, Bai Shuixian breathed in the fresh air. For some reason, despite feeling that the air in the second layer was clean and clear, she felt that this layer had the most purest air she could breathe in. She was even considering living here forever instead of leaving the forest.

However, as fast as the thought came in, it was also as fast as how she withdrew the idea. How could she live here when her grandmother was still waiting for her in the capital? Even though she had little memory of the conversation, she could still vividly remember the moment when she promised Su Guang to come back to the capital.

"I once read in a book that the most beautiful places held the most danger," Bai Shuixian responded to Zhu Jin's statement after a while had passed.

"Indeed, that is true," Zhu Jin said with nostalgic eyes.

Bai Shuixian had her back towards Zhu Jin, so she was unable to see his eyes that held multiple emotions in them. By the time she turned back, his eyes had already regained clarity and the mist disappeared. The sad expression that he had for a moment went back to happiness as she turned.

"Zhu Jin, you're taking me to the priest, right?" Bai Shuixian asked.

"Yes. The priest might be able to help you with your memories," Zhu Jin answered.

"Wow… I'm going to be meeting an immortal…" Bai Shuixian breathlessly and excitedly said.

Seeing her excitement, Zhu Jin calmed her, "Little girl, don't get too excited. The trip is going to take days and you might not even be able to see him in the end."

Though she was a little disheartened, what hardships had she not gone through? Even if she did not get to meet the priest, she would still be happy to be able to see the temple. Such a beautiful place must have a majestic temple to accompany it.

"It's fine. Even if I can't meet the priest, I still want to see the temple," Bai Shuixian replied.

Shaking his head, Zhu Jin informed her, "If you can't meet the priest, you won't be able to enter the temple."

Shocked, Bai Shuixian exclaimed, "What?!"

As she was right next to his ears, it had hurt him a bit. Getting away from her with a few distances, Zhu Jin sat down and slapped his head. He really wanted to complain about how she could go from one octave to another.

With teary eyes, Bai Shuixian asked, "If I can't even see the temple, then what's the use in traveling all the way to the center of this forest?"

Choking on his saliva due to her simplicity, Zhu Jin coughed, "Well… Even if we can't meet the priest, you should still look at what's near the temple. The life there is… much brighter than here."

"How much brighter can it get?" Bai Shuixian rhetorically asked as she examined the area. "This place is already the best it can get, alright? With how long I've lived, this is already the best there can be."

"Aigh… You're still inexperienced," Zhu Jin sighed. "Climb on my back. I'll find us a cave to spend the night in."

Though still bitter over the low prospects of the meeting with the priest, Bai Shuixian still climbed on his back. Maybe because she felt duped, she had shifted a lot of her weight on him. When Zhu Jin felt her trying to apply more pressure on him, he wanted to laugh, but he held it in.

Considering how small she was, she did not weigh much. Even if she put her full weight on him, he would still feel that nothing was on his back. If not for her breathing and chest that moved up and down, he would forget that she was sitting on his back.

As the sun was about to set, Zhu Jin sprinted to find the cave that he always spent his nights in for the current area. He had lived in the forest for so long that he already could memorize most things. Whether it be a cave, a plant, or even the habitat of another animal.

When he felt that they were about to reach the cave, Zhu Jin asked, "Little girl, are you hungry?"

Strongly nodding, Bai Shuixian answered, "Yes. I haven't eaten meat in so long."

"With your little memories, how do you know that you haven't eaten meat in so long?" Zhu Jin teased questioningly.

"If I feel that way, I feel that way. What does it have to do with remembering when was the last time I ate meat?" Bai Shuixian said with annoyance.

Even if she could not remember, it did not mean that she could not tell when she last ate meat. From now to the past, she had never been able to eat lots of meat and even when she managed to stuff herself with food, it was mostly vegetables. Her latest meal had even been weeds that she did not know about.

She was not an herbivore, but an omnivore with a need to eat meat. Bai Shuixian was even thinking right now that if another person had meat in front of them, she would probably steal it or try to ruin their meal. It was probably a concept of 'if I can't live happily, you can't either'.

As they reached the cave, Zhu Jin told her, "Stay in this cave and don't come out."

She had been by herself for a long time and now that she was isolated again, she was worried.

With a whining tone as she held onto his shoulder, she asked, "Where are you going?"

"Aren't you hungry?" Zhu Jin asked back. "Don't you want to eat meat?"

Though she did not want to be alone, between isolation and food, she chose food. Food triumphed over everything else. Since she knew where he was going to, she dropped her hand and entered the cave with an uncaring back.

She even managed to leave behind an order.