Mingyu Mansion

After the managers finished counting all the gold taels, one of them came up and asked, "Your Grace, would you like us to send the slaves to your mansion, or will you have it travel with you?"

"Send them to Mingyu Mansion," Tou Juhua answered, her arms crossed as she watched the managers busily and quickly transfer the gold to another place.

"It seems you're going to fill your mansion with people soon," Lin Dalong commented as he watched the managers load the slaves into multiple carriages.

"That's not a bad idea," Tou Juhua replied, her brows frowning a little when she saw the harsh treatment of one person when they tripped on the floor but still noticeable. "These slaves are more trustworthy than the orphans."

"What makes you say so?" Lin Dalong asked, thinking that it should be the opposite.