A Promise

After waiting for a few minutes, Fu Mingli finally came back with a clean face. When Tou Juhua saw his face, she internally thought, 'This is a handsome man.' Though there was redness all across his face because of the mask, she could still see the tanned skin that enhanced his sharp features.

"A fine looking man," Tou Juhua commented immediately after Fu Mingli closed the study door.

Embarrassed, Fu Mingli scratched the back of his head as he looked down. Though he was used to compliments about his appearance, it was never in such an honest way. Not only that, most of the girls that complimented him showed their faces unlike Tou Juhua who had her face covered by a veil.

However, going back to the important parts, Fu Mingli asked, "Excuse me, but why did you call me here?"

"Do you know why I decided to buy all of you?" Tou Juhua asked, walking to the back of the desk.

"No," Fu Mingli shook his head.