First Training

Entering the courtyard in her blue robes and light blue veil that covered her entire face, Yu Lanhua announced loudly, "Today, you will start training human behaviors. By mastering this knowledge, you will be able to handle humans easily, especially when it comes to manipulating. I should say, human psychology is one of the best things you can ever learn."

"Human psychology?" One man questioned, unable to understand the word.

Understanding that the people of this continent would not know about psychology, Yu Lanhua explained, "The power to read someone, the power to predict someone. This is human psychology. Understanding the human brain."

Another man who was still confused asked, "Why are you teaching us this? Did you not buy us to make fun of us?"

"Does it look like I have so much time?" Yu Lanhua retorted immediately, crossing her arms as she leaned against a wooden pillar.