Chapter 1

I woke up groggily looking at my alarm, 'shit'!!

It's 9. How come I didn't wake up to my alarm? Normally it's so loud that the whole building can hear it and then I remembered last night.

I still can't believe whether it's true or a figment of my imagination. I quickly checked my call register and there it is the truth. The phone number of my Sister with whom I haven't spoken in 6 years. I dint believe my ears at first when I heard her voice last night. She sounded excited, happy. I forgot how her laughter sounds. If I can remember she never was happy when she was staying with us, mom, me, and her. There was always a cloud of sadness clinging to her. So, it was quite a shock when I heard her with a complete personality change. She said she wanted to clear the air between us, I'm not sure what that meant for us. It's a little bit too late for me.

She left us when I was 15, still a minor to do anything, still in the clutches of evil witch aka our mom. I don't want to spoil my thoughts thinking about my dead mom. I don't know whether I should be happy that she finally contacted me or angry that she left me when I needed her the most. I'm about to find out in 3 hours which mood I will be in.

I started my morning routine getting ready for my work. I work as an errand girl aka assistant secretary in training to an executive in Sinclair enterprises. It was hard to land what with no experience and my lack of higher studies, but I pulled it. I'm not ashamed to admit my looks have been a crucial factor in getting it, thanks to the interviewers wandering eye and I played that to the hilt. I'm 5.8" with a curvy figure and blond. My green eyes are the Colour of leaves after heavy rain.

I checked my watch and I know I'm going to be late. I hope the dragon (secretary-manager) who handles all duties of us lowlife secretary’s is late, I know its wishful thinking still I can hope and pray. I took the subway and ran as fast as I can in my 3-inch heels stopping at the cafe to take latte for my boss.

When I reach my floor, the lift door opens to the face of a very angry dragon. I can see her teeth grinding and jaw flexing.

'Good morning Mrs. Kimberly'

' is that so Ms. Anderson? I dint notice'

I thought to say, you should walk out and watch the sun, it's fun to see it other than chained to desk 24/7, but I dint say it.

Instead, I said, ' well I think Mr. knight needs me'

and tried to walk around her emphasis on trying to.

' please note that next time it wouldn't be a good morning for you if this is repeated'

'Yes Mrs. Kimberly', I replied as meekly as I could get.

I stumbled past her trying to forget dragon scaring me out of my job.

Ugh, this is so not my morning, I found out belatedly. Not only I got a warning from the dragon but also Mr. Knight is cross with me. Mr. Knight is in his 40's and is gentle normally. Apparently, today is my lucky day.

"Ms. Anderson", he called me.

'Yes, Mr. Knight?'

'I told you to fax the details of members present in the NGAI project yesterday evening, where is it, Ms. Anderson? Is it lost in the mail?'

'Umm I would do it right away'

' what is this? School projects! Can't you do it when asked?'

'Mr. Knight, I know you are going through a rough patch in your personal life but it doesn't give you an excuse to behave with me in such a manner, as you asked my assistance in after office hours'

'I'm sorry Erica for behaving in such a ghastly way. Today is the day. I thought I had time, but she asked for a divorce. I dint saw it coming. I thought we could mend our fences'

'It's not your fault. Don't place your wife's infidelity on your conscience'

' I wonder taking those Long office hours is the cause'

'Stop it. It is her decision. Some people just fall out of love. You have to understand it.'

'It's hard to. But I get what you mean. I forgot myself in the race to give her everything that all she asked for is for us to be together. It was such a Long time now. 17 years of marriage gone'

I don't know what else to say to him, so I kept silent. Sometimes silence is all it took to support others.

'Anyway, I owe you a long lunch for my behaviour since morning. Why don't you go for it? Be a dear and bring my favourite sandwich when you return'

'Oh god, I forgot. I was going to ask for a long lunch for myself. I have a meeting with someone.'

'A male someone?', his eyes dancing.

Now there is the boss I know.' No. It's personal, but just so you know, I'm meeting a female'

'I don't know you swing that way', he said humor shining in his eyes.

'You never know. I would like to keep my personal life to myself'

'Don't I ever know. I don't know anything about you except what is there on your resume and you don't like black coffee'

'Trust me, you know more than enough'

'I wonder '


'Is it to keep your personal life a secret or a secret from your personal life?'

'You watch way more than Detective movies than required. I'm leaving. Will come around 2'

' ya ya, just divert me why don't you'

I shake my head and took myself out of my office building. It's 11:40 am already. I must meet my Sister in 20 min in a well-known cafe four blocks over.

The traffic is more than normal. As Christmas is around the corner every shop is decorated in white and red. I don't have anything against Santa, but holidays and I don't rub well together. There is no big mystery just that as far as I can remember I was always alone during holidays even when my Sister was living with us. It doesn't say much about our family bond.

Checking my phone for any new messages I entered the cafe and my eyes found auburn hair before I recognized myself doing that. She has changed a lot. For one her figure is not 'stick and bones'; abused with drugs anymore. She has a healthy glow about her. She smiled when she saw me. It can only call radiant. I don't know what happened to her in these six years but I'm happy for her even though she left me out cold.

'Hi', she said tentatively when I kept on staring.

Realizing I was still standing I sit across her and asked her the one question that was burning through me since that call.

'Why now?', I questioned coming to the point.