Chapter 12

'Journeys end. Journeys end, wait a minute'

He unfolded a paper and started reading,

Journeys end in lovers meeting,

Every wise man's son doth know.

What is love? ‘It’s not hereafter;

Present mirth hath present laughter;

What's to come is still unsure:

In delay there lies not plenty;

Then, come kiss me, sweet and twenty,

Youth's a stuff will not endure.

(Note: it's written by Shakespeare)

He bowed after completing, giving me a chance to notice what he is wearing.

'Is that your mother's coat?'

'A gentleman never kiss and tell, though I appreciate your interest in my attire. It speaks of your wifely qualities', he said haughtily.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, taking a Long breath I said, 'First, you are a kid, KID, not a gentleman. Second, stop with wifely qualities, that's just ew. Lastly, why are you quoting Shakespeare to me?'

'You are offending my sensibilities, madam. I'm courting you with my linguistic prowess’, he said clutching his heart.

'Linguistic What? What's with regency lingo? Please tell me you don't read another of your mom's stupid novels', I pleaded.

'Is it what the lady prefers?'

'Ugh, forget it. I can't even sue you for harassment'

'No law can deflect my emotions, madam. I was born to adore you. You are the moon of my life'

'Then it is eclipsed indefinitely', I rushed from there. One of these days that kid is going to be the death of me.

Monday, I bustled into the office lift in my white blouse and pencil skirt, which is a tad bit tight around my curves, ok too tight for my curves. I should have done the laundry on Saturday, but in all the excitement that happened, I forgot about it. Serves me right to push my chores.

'You are not abducted by aliens?', I turned to come face to face with rose. Was it only 2 weeks back we were discussing office gossip? It looks like another lifetime for me.

I rolled my eyes, ' stop exaggerating. I'm just on the top floor'

'Makes no difference. At least with aliens, I get to hear juicy details'

'Yuck, I don't want to go there with a ten-foot pole.'

'Anyway, how was your weekend?'

I want to say you know, getting a criminal arrested, being courted by a 9-year-old, just regular stuff. Instead, I said, 'nothing interesting. Just watched tv.'

'Girl, no offense but you need to get a life. There are a lot of men who would do anything for a glimpse of those babies. Want to go club with me Friday night?' she said pointing towards my tight blouse.

'Thanks for your advice. But right now, I'm trying to survive the hurricane called Raphael Sinclair. So, rain check?'

The lift pinged before she can reply to me, which is fine by me because I don't want to explain the disaster called my social life.

When I signed in my computer there is already a message from Raphael

You are 3 minutes late Ms. Anderson. I hate to cut from your salary, but I shall if this continues. (meaning he loves to cut)

Now, what's this? What ruffled his feathers this early? Day- by-day he is becoming stranger.

While I'm musing on this the intercom buzz interrupted me

'Ms. Anderson, please come to my office'

I entered his office skeptical of his mood.

'I want you to do the presentation on the Budget plan of next Seasons product', he barrelled straight to the point.

'Ok...When is the presentation?', I asked doubt niggling in the back of my mind.

He sighed as if I'm pestering him with my questions, 'Afternoon Ms. Anderson'

'Umm which afternoon Mr. Sinclair?', I asked doubt solidifying.

'Don't be stupid if you can help it, Ms. Anderson. This afternoon of course'

I took a breath to rant on him about what I think is stupid when I heard a POP. This is what happens when you take long breaths as if you are on a beach.

I looked down at the button rolling towards Raphael in mortification. This day couldn't get worse. I scrambled to my legs trying to reach it when I heard a tear.

Oh god no. Floor, open, and swallow me whole. Phone, ring. Pipes, burst. Please, anything to create a diversion so I can escape the most awkward moment of my life. But as usual, the universe ignored my pleas for help and left me exactly where I was— in Raphael Sinclair's office with a torn skirt and one button-less blouse.

I stood awkwardly holding my gaping blouse, 'Umm Mr. Sinclair...Umm'

He cleared his throat and pointed to the door, 'You may find something to wear in there', he said not meeting my eyes. Is it my imagination his eyes glimpsed toward my body? Surely, he is too stoic to show such emotion as lust.

I opened said door with post-haste to find myself in a closet. Not a small one for Raphael Sinclair, no. My entire bedroom can fill here and still there would be space left. I checked the wardrobe but to my utter horror, all I could find are suits, suits, and more suits.

What do you think? That Raphael Sinclair is a closet feminist who likes to wear female clothes? Hardly.

All I can wear from this lot is a shirt. I slid my sleeves through the shirt and buttoned it up. It barely reached my thighs, at least it covered all important parts. It smelled like him, all manly and woodsy—as if someone had bottled the scent of testosterone and sold it. I shake my head to clear my thoughts of lust. Seriously Erica, lusting after Lord now?

I opened the door to hear the hitching sound. It couldn't be, could it? Well… well, it seems Raphael Sinclair is not immune after all. Good to know he is a mere mortal like me. His gaze roamed down my body before reaching my eyes. The heat radiating from his eyes wants me to melt into a puddle before him.

'If your ogling is over, perhaps you want to change into this', he pushed a carry bag into my hands.

Yup, this day could get worse.