Chapter 18

'Now, now you are going home', he said as a matter of fact.

'Oh no no, we have to discuss the plan. Where to start, what to do, whom to find...'

My rant was cut off by him saying, ‘which can be done tomorrow'


He didn’t answer in words, but his eyes shouted, 'not now'. Even though he rebukes, I'm not going to shut up that easily, 'but Kade...', I started pleading.

'Not now kid. Tomorrow is soon enough', he interrupted.

How could I go home quietly knowing somewhere out there a murderer is free? How to form my anguish into words, so that he would listen? I can't explain this failure that's choking me. Probably I should start digging without Kade. Yes, that's what I should do. But where to start?

Who is powerful enough to hold the police department in his fist?

Police department. Not a good idea to search the place which I should avoid at all costs. But that's all my brain can function after the Long day I had.