Chapter 20

I know I don't have time, but my curiosity got the better of me. I beeline to our seer, who knows it all aka Rose's office floor. Luckily, she is already at her desk, thank god for mercies.

'Well well, wonders never cease. Is it an apocalypse?', rose asked.

'Hey, I know I'm dodging you lately for drinks, what with all the work piling my desk. I will make time, soon. Now tell me what's with all the hype?'

'You mean you don't know? Tell me again where you work?'

I gave her an eye roll and said, ' cut the dramatics. I'm squeezing the time as it is for this little chit chat'.

'Wow, you sound like Raphael when you say like that'

I mildly panic listening to that. Oh my god, I'm becoming his clone. Note to self-need to steer clear from him as much as possible.

'Me? I'm nothing like that. He expects groveling sycophancy from employees. I'm way cooler than that'.