We entered the mansion without any fuss, seemingly as I was with Raphael. It’s a three-storey mansion where the main foyer splits into two grand staircases that only enhances the luxurious look. The mansion was full of such extravagantly gilded furniture and grandeur that I thought it would have been better suited to a reigning monarch.
We were directed to the ballroom (I stopped ooh...ing at the main foyer itself. Ballroom! I never knew anyone with ballrooms in their houses) where a different security detail is present to recheck the authenticity. Looking at the guest list I too would recommend it. Hollywood’s well-known actors, producers, politicians what not; you name it, they have it. The party was going with the sort of discreet swing that only serious money could contrive.
Ok, we are in, now what?
Can I ask?
Ask? Ask whom? What are you saying?
My inner diva clears her throat and said,