Chapter 58

‘Before I speak any further, why don’t you go change while I order something for you?’ He pointed towards his wardrobe that has his second set of clothes.

‘Are you going to charge this one too?’ I joked reminiscing his demand to pay for the clothes he bought.

‘Consider this my investment’, he countered.

Once I changed into his shirt and ate a sandwich that no doubt one of his possum provided, I asked relaxing on the couch, ‘so, what do want to talk about?’

‘Do you love me?’

‘Just go to the jugular, why don’t you? You don’t have the right to ask that question. I’m not here to listen to this’, I tried to get up.

‘Sit down Erica. Trust me, I will explain later. Just answer my question’

I snorted at him demanding my trust. ‘Why?’

‘Because I want to know how you feel about me before I say anything’

Finally, I replied evasively, ‘love is not an on/off button, that can be easily switched on/off. It takes time for the emotions to change’.