Light 2nd half (2)

3 days later…

Dressed in a blue bodysuit that was decorated with glowing runes, Mao Lu sat on the edge of a large canyon made of green crystal. His legs dangling loosely into the endlessly deep pit.

It reminded Mao Lu of the Grand Canyon, he'd personally never been to Vegas to see the famous landmark, but he had seen pictures and observed it with his ability 'Sense of the realm'. And he was certain that this canyon was about the same size as that one.

A warm gust of wind came from somewhere below, blowing softly against Mao Lu's skin.

"A crystal canyon in an underground city." Mao Lu sighed, even though he was used to seeing the unexpected by now, he still found his breath taken away by such sights.

Since coming to Karne and meeting the leader Sea Karne, a few days had passed. The village was rather peaceful and quiet.

At first his presence had caused a stir and the citizens of Karne had been extremely scared of Mao Lu, but ever since that incident in the street with the child Luca, people were much calmer around him. Although some people were still wary of Mao Lu, and others very cautious when he passed them, there was no longer any open hostility or any cowering at his appearance.

During this time Mao Lu had settled into his house on the outskirts of the village. It was a rather large hut made of crystals and other colourful rocks. Sea Karne had made sure to make it as comfortable as possible for Mao Lu, so it was filled with all kinds of soft rugs and fabrics.

Mao Lu was also given all kinds of gifts and delicacies on a daily basis from Sea Karne, and Sea Karne invited Mao Lu to have dinner at his home every evening.

Having everything given to him and not being required to lift a finger made Mao Lu feel increasingly bored. So, on his free time he'd began exploring the underground world, the large cavern, that Karne Village hid within.

That was how he'd stumbled across this crystal canyon today.

"When is this trial going to start?" Mao Lu grumbled under his breath as he chewed on the end of a blue glowing blade of grass. "It's already been three whole days, and I feel like nothing has happened. I want to finish this trial quickly" he mumbled.

"Something troubling you?" He heard a soft voice behind him. He didn't need to turn around to know it was Mero.

"You're finally saying something to me, I noticed you following me the moment I left my hut an hour ago." Mao Lu said nonchalantly as he continued to chew on the blade of grass.

Mero's face turned a slight pink, "I-if you noticed me following you all this time you should have said something." She pouted.

"I'm saying something now" Mao Lu smiled, he turned towards her and gestured for her to sit next to him.

In seconds Mero had lightly jumped from a few metres behind him and plopped down onto the edge of the canyon beside him.

"Wow I haven't been to this place since I was young!" She exclaimed, "It’s, pretty right?"

Mao Lu nodded, "It is."

Ever since the incident in the street with that child, Mero had continued to warm up to him. Gone was any distrust and wariness she'd harboured towards him. Now she was super attached to Mao Lu and she sought him out each day. Constantly asking him questions about the realm he was from or what it was like to be a Practitioner. Mao Lu didn't find her annoying, he enjoyed their conversations and her company.

"Has it always been so peaceful here in Karne?" Mao Lu asked as he stared deeply into the canyon.

"Not always, it's peaceful now but it wasn't always like this. We've had our fair share of infighting, there have been times when other mortal settlements have started wars with us over resources and territories, there have even been times when droughts above ground have caused shortages of food. This village has made it through much adversity and because of that we can enjoy the peace we have now. I hope it lasts for a long time." Mero answered.

Mao Lu felt guilty for secretly wishing for conflict just so he could finish his trial. "I also hope the peace also lasts for a long time." he added.

Mero looked at Mao Lu with bright eyes, "You're not doing anything right now, right?" She asked abruptly.

Mao Lu laughed, "Do I look like I'm doing anything right now?"

"Good than you should come with me." She announced before jumping to her feet.

"Where are we going?" Mao Lu asked in bewilderment.

"I'm taking you to the surface, let's go do some hunting."


With that announcement Mero led Mao Lu all the way to the large lake which they'd used to enter the village previously.

"Reports have come in that a large number of Critters have been seen migrating to the east of the forest. Before they pass the village, I wanted to lay some traps for them, they're a serious delicacy. Last time I went hunting I missed out on getting my prey because of a certain someone crashing into the forest, so you helping me capture these little fellows will make us even." Mero said as they reached the edge of the lake.

Just as Mero was about to pull Mao Lu into the lake with her a loud voice barked,

"Where are you going Mero Karne!?"

Mero froze. Mao Lu also paused, yet again he didn't need to look back to know who it was. He could easily recognise the voice of General Xander. He was standing there proudly in his golden body suit and armour, his white hair like a lion's mane.

Near him stood a few more of Karne's soldiers, they wore helmets on their heads and spears in their hands. Glowing runes covered their armour.

Mero visibly stiffened.

Mero greatly disliked General Xander, over the last few days this fact had become increasingly obvious to Mao Lu.

"General Xander." She said very softly, her previous confidence turned quickly into meekness.

"I asked you, where are you going?" General Xander replied in the same stern tone.

"The Critters are migrating….and I thought I'd lay some traps with Mao Lu." She mumbled.

General Xander frowned, his yellow eyes glancing at Mao Lu with distrust "Mero have you not seen the notices put on the bulletins, no one is allowed to exit the village until my patrol team gives the all clear. Some of our scouts have reported recent irregular movements in the forest. We are going to investigate now; it may be dangerous so leave your critter traps until I return."

Mero pouted, "B-b-but the Critters will probably pass the village by sunset tomorrow. If I place traps any later than this, it'll be too late." She complained whilst avoiding eye contact with General Xander.

"That isn't my problem. Your sport can wait another time, your life can't. Sort out your priorities Mero. The Critters will migrate again in half a year." Xander said in a no-nonsense-tone.

Unable to argue against him Mero stood to the side and allowed Xander and his men to march past her and into the lake, where they were transported, disappearing with a slight ripple.

Mero sighed, "I guess we'll just have to set the traps another day then. If Xander's team have gone to investigate than there might be something really dangerous out there."

Mero was about to turn away from the lake but the next second she stopped, her teeth gritted. "Damn it who cares if there's something dangerous out there!"

Mao Lu was startled by her sudden shout, "What, you want to go now?" He asked in confusion.

Mero's fists were clenched. "I'm also a warrior. I've been trained since I was child. I have hunted and explored Karne forest since I could walk, I have sparred against my Father and the other warriors for just as long. Yet everyone mother cuddles me just because I'm the daughter of the village Chief and my father won't ever let me prove myself. Father is a Practitioner, but he has never trained me in the ways of one nor has he ever told me anything about the path of a Practitioner.”

“It's just so frustrating that he doesn't have enough confidence in me to entrust me with such knowledge. And I am just as capable as General Xander. I'm his equal yet I've always felt inferior to him and I unconsciously obey him. Father even wants me to marry that cold bastard. I should have the freedom to marry whoever I want. I shouldn't have to listen to a bastard like that." She turned to Mao Lu, "It's only setting traps for Critters and with a Practitioner by my side any mortal enemies aren't a real threat, so let's just go to the surface.”

Mao Lu glanced at Mero and through her eyes he saw a younger version of himself who wanted to prove his worth to the people around him, he somewhat understood her feelings. "Since you're so determined I know that even if I say no, you'll still go. I won't stop you, let's go, but if something happens, we should come back straight away. Also, I'm not all that confident in my abilities."

Mao Lu wasn't sure how powerful he was in this realm, so far, the essence listened to him the same way it did when he was back home, but at the same time there was this sense of disconnect. Additionally, Mao Lu had never practiced traditional martial arts, he wasn't very good at fighting. During this past week he'd been testing his abilities.

He had communicated with the essence and used skills like moving the realm or tested his physical abilities. And he was now certain that his endurance had greatly increased, and that his speed and physical strength had also grown abnormally. But, even with this increase in physical ability he wasn't sure how he could apply it in an actual fight. He lacked the experience and training. He'd been planning to ask Sea Karne to teach him so basic martial arts, but he hadn't had the opportunity yet.

Mero gave Mao Lu a winning grin, "I'm confident in your abilities even if you aren't so let's go." She said before leaping into the lake and disappearing with a ripple. Not giving a Mao Lu a chance to argue with her.

Mao Lu sighed, he felt slightly uneasy about this situation, but he might as well go along with it, the trial would only go on longer if he sat in the village all safe and sound.

"I wish she'd given me some armour or at least a weapon like a bow and arrow or something." Mao Lu tutted before jumping into the lake.


As he emerged on the surface wind whipped into Mao Lu's face and rain poured on him. The sky was Gray.

Mao Lu waded out of the shallow lake towards Mero who was crouched in her black bodysuit near the base of a tree.

Her nose twitched as she smelled the earth. She seemed very hesitant.

"What's wrong?" Mao Lu asked as he crouched next to her.

"The earth is whining, although the rain masks the smell the earth carries hints of blood. There was a battle here only a few moments ago...and Xander's team are nowhere to be seen, they should have emerged only a few minutes before us, they shouldn't have gone far, but I don't sense them."

"If that's the case than we should go back to the village and inform the Chief and the Elde—"

Mao Lu was cut off by a loud scream, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

"That voice belongs to Wave, he's one of Xander's men!" Mero said as she ran towards the sound of the scream.

Mao Lu felt a greater sense of unease compared to before, but Mero had already ran off before he could stop her.

"Damn" Mao Lu muttered before running after her. The wind blew against his face and the rain was hard as he ran after Mero with great speed.

He scaled up a large tree and jumped from one branch to the next until he'd caught up to Mero who had suddenly halted.

As he approached her, a rich stench of blood filled his nostrils and a bloody scene met his eyes.