Reset. [Volume 2 Prologue]

Fumes made the air thick with a grey smog. Trees were on fire and columns of polluted cloud billowed from mounds in the ground like chimneys from hell. Large boulders were propelled into the air with each shot of smoke from the rocky terrain.

In the midst of all this smoke, fire, and rocks, Gates was weaving through the air. The Book was hurriedly flying through the ashy clouds.

If Gates had had a human form, its breathing would have been laboured and its expression would have been fearful.

Its pages were torn and dirty, some were missing entirely.

Despite its injuries, Gates didn't stop flying through the air, running to some unknown destination.

"WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!?" It cried out.

In that same moment Gates smacked into something solid.

This solid thing was the chest of what appeared to be a humanoid woman. She had curly black hair and warm brown sun-kissed skin. Her eyes were a warm honey brown and her lips a full rose pink.