Past - 1

"Vivaan, Vrinda is having a breakdown in the green room. She is inconsolable and she is not even ready to talk to any of us," asseverated Rupa in an exasperated tone.

Vivaan, who was practicing for the performance by rehearsing with his tabla, felt his breaths hitch from the information he had just received. Vrinda had been troubled by the fact that her parents would not be able to see her first stage performance as her father was kept in the dark by her throughout her training and it did not take him long to realize that it was the same sense of guilt and longing which had resulted in her breakdown.

"I'll be there in a moment, Rupa. Offer her some water and try to calm her down," instructed Vivaan, signing to the rest of the musical crew that he needed to be excused as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

Rupa looked at the screen indicating that the call was disconnected with a surprise as it was ladies only green room and he had disconnected the call before she could inform him. A voice inside her mind told her that even if he had known that piece of information, it would not have stopped him from reaching out to Vrinda.

She rushed to Vrinda who was gasping for air as she sobbed relentlessly and signed to their other friend Siya to bring the water bottle from her bag.

"Vrinda, calm down! You don't have to do this if you don't want. Do you want me to inform Madhuri Ma'am?" prompted Rupa, caressing her back affectionately but it was of no avail.

The sound of door being opened, as someone barged in, alerted Rupa of Vivaan's arrival. She looked at him as he appeared huffed up and panting as he descended three floors in a hurry.

"Vivaan, just look at her. She isn't even responding," complained Siya as she placed the opened bottle in front of Vrinda to drink from.

Vivaan felt his chest constrict with helplessness. His ears only reverberated with Vrinda's pants and gasps, and nothing else. He walked up to her, knowing that she could ignore the world but not him and she would definitely listen to his pleas.

He collapsed onto his knees and held the hands she had placed in her lap, drenched with her own tears and burning with temperature which seemed to set his heart on fire. Her bloodshot eyes, tearstained cheeks, flared nostrils and quivering lips, everything seemed to conspire against his self-control.

"Vrinda, do you really think that your father would have problem with anything in this world which would make you happy? He would readily trade his soul if it brings you happiness and you are drowning yourself in sorrow," he reprimanded, his own voice shaking with emotions he was struggling to control.

For someone who had turned herself mute in the fear of reaching upto her father's expectations, relishing the accomplishment of a milestone in the path she had loved in his absence was akin to burning herself at the altar of guilt.

"Your father won't be happy at all if you spoil your health for his sake. Drink water first," commanded Vivaan, taking the bottle from Siya's hands and holding it closer to her lips as he supported her head with his other hand.

Vrinda surrendered to his concern as she managed to gulp some water, soothing her parched throat. She pushed his hand away after drinking a few sips and he understood that he won't be able to convince her to drink any more. He forwarded the bottle to Siya, who after taking the bottle signed to Rupa to give them some privacy.

"You are not doing anything wrong, Vrinda. Everyone has a right to have their opinions, to pursue their interests. This performance is your dream, Vrinda, and your father would only want you to fulfill every dream of yours, not stall them or throw them away. Call him here. Trust me, he will come and he will be proud. He maybe angry for sometime but he will be happy that his daughter's dream had turned true," assured Vivaan, cupping her face between his warm hands as she looked at him apprehensively.

"I don't know, Vivaan. I don't even know the reason why Papa has this belief. I don't want to hurt him but at the same time I cannot bind myself in these boundaries, especially after seeing how tough it had been to even start conversing properly. I desperately want him to be here, see this dream performance of mine, Vivaan, but won't that just break his heart that I had hid such a big fact from him since almost ten years?" retorted Vrinda, dread bursting in every cell of her body as she played every moment she had lied to her father and he had trusted her without any question.

"We were kids when you started taking the training, Vrinda. Kids hide numerous things from their parents and they never mind. Didn't we steal sweets from our houses, lie about studying and go to movies? We did get scolded a bit but they eventually understood that we are just trying to find our happiness. We are seventeen now, it isn't too late, you can call your father. Your mother is aware anyways, they will come, Vrinda. Even if you don't want to call, you are not doing anything wrong. You are just pursuing your passion and you have every right to do so. Don't let the stage be deprived of its Radha tonight," he advised, smiling slightly as he added the last comment while tying the ghungroo around her ankle, his touch managing to both calm her heart and make it race.

"Give me your phone," she demanded, after a moment of thought.

"My phone? You are calling your father?" he asked, pulling the gadget out of his pocket, his smile stretching further as hope glistened in his eyes.

"Yes. I am too tired to bring my phone and I don't want you to leave my side so your phone," she complained, making him chuckle as normality seemed to seep back into her.

"If you are already tired, then how will you dance tonight?" he asked, leaning towards her with a teasing smirk and jovial glint in his eyes.

"Jaise Muralidhar Ki Bansuri Ke Dhun Pe Naachne Ke Liye Radha Kabhi Nahi Takhti, Waise Hi Vivaan Ke Tabla Ke Taal Pe Naachne Ke Liye Vrinda Hamesha Taiyyar Rehti Hai!" she replied, serenity taking over her as she lost herself in his eyes conveying everything she wanted to hear.


Translation: Just like Radha never gets tired of dancing on the flute tune of Krishna, Vrinda is also always eager to dance on the beats of Vivaan's tabla.