Chapter 8

Sierra rang the bell to the man's apartment. She knew this was risky but she had dreamt and fantasied him for a very long time now.

Her breath hitched with each minute until he finally opened the door to let her in.

Beginning to bark orders already.

"Unbutton the first two of your blouse and take off those shoes. Also, I like the skirt you changed into. It's short."

She was surprisingly aroused by the authoritative manner in which sky ordered her.

Sky turned around to her and continued.

"You should go to the kitchen, open the refrigerator, remove some whipped cream remove it a bowl. You'll find the bowl in the top shelf in the cupboard closest to the refrigerator with a spoon, you'll find in the cupboard under the one you found the bowl in, place it on the serving plate I laid out for you on the table and meet me in the bedroom. Serve me like a slutty waitress that you are. But before that come here"

Sierra was repulsed and aroused in equal measures when he talked to her that way. Nonetheless she walked to him as he kissed her, slowly his hands inside her skirt, tracing the line of her panties. As he mumbled against her lips to loose the panties and the bra too.

With that sky left her to head to the bedroom.

Sierra walked into his bedroom watching him naked but the sheet of silk at his waist.


She slowed her pace further. Until she stood at the foot of the bed somehow she knew the rules of the game before ever having played it. She bent a little letting sky see her cleavage as she placed the tray and then stood awaiting his orders.

Sky spilt the water that was in the glass at his bedside.

"Oops. I suppose you'll have to use your white blouse to clean it up. As you crawl your way to the spilt water?"

Sky stood up to watch her, as she unbuttoning her blouse and dropped to the floor. Crawling to the spilt water.

"Scrub it you whore. I need the floor to shine and your breasts to bounce."

And she did, as sky stood there watching her, his feet slowly pushing up the skirt. His grey eyes were filled with the kind of lust Sierra had never seen before. It felt powerful.

"Stop" sky suddenly roared, “Get up and wear that blouse it's indecent to be behaving like this. Did you not bring a mob to arouse me? You wanted to arouse your master did you not? You naughty girl." His voice was stern. She imagined out of bed many would shiver to such tone. Sierra barely stopped herself from shivering.

Sitting on her knees, she wore the blouse again. Letting her fingers brush against her breasts so that the blouse clung to her skin. The white becoming indecently transparent. The slight trace of a smile told Sierra she had done something right.

"You need to be punished. You will first suck your master and then I will see how it will punish you. Yes?"

"Yes master."

Sierra looked up at the heavy erection that stood proudly close to her mouth. Her tongue darting out to lick at his swollen head. Slowly parting her lips to take him inside her. Her tongue twirling around his girth in circles. His hands in her thick dirty hair pulling at the strands painfully. Her own fingers on his balls pulling at them gently.

Thrusting him in and out of her mouth, over and over encouraged by the loud sounds of his moans. Soon enough she felt the shivering of his hard erection bursting into the end flames, knowing well he was going to come. Embracing herself for the final careless thrust, and sky came. In the hot spurts of white.

"Get up."

He pressed her breasts in his hands, pulling at her nipples, hard.

Sky liked that she writhe in response to his hard behavior towards her, unlike most women who would start complaining. Sky hated when women were demanding or weak. And as unattractive as Sierra was sky was suddenly very attracted to her.

Sky urged Sierra to come to bed with him, taking her in his lap he buried his fingers in her red mane, reminded distinctly of Aiyana, he somehow imagined the sounds of passion coming out of her mouth. Those moans plagued his arousal, as much as Aiyana did.

He had never heard a woman moan the way the mysterious lady with Brian did and a part of him envied Brian. A waiter had something so sensual, his mind imagining a body sleek with right curves. Imagining a beautiful pair of breasts, so supple and large that a man would wonder how to hold them in his hands coupled with innocent blue eyes and a thick mane of red. And with that image and sound in his head, his cock twitched to life again.

Sky licked the edges of the deep cleavage and tugged harder at the thick red mane in his hands. His hands cupping the pair of breasts close together, squeezing, tracing the line of her breasts, before hooking his fingers into the top button and pulling at the shirt, ripping it open.

Burying his face between them for a second to collect his thoughts, rather tame his red haired arousal and he moved again.

Taking in one hard nipple between his lips, he grazed his teeth at her and bit. It was animalistic in his need for her appraisal, but Sierra took it like a real woman. Throwing her head back, her breath becoming harsh, thrusting her breasts further for him to feast.

Letting his tongue taste her breasts until she shivered to the brink of an orgasm and he stopped.

Waiting a bitter long minute before thrusting two of his fingers into her peachy wet pussy. Feeling her leak and clench against his fingers.

"On your back. I want to fuck you from behind" sky ordered again.

She shifted to her fours, feeling him caress her butt pushing her skirt to her waist, he bent to smell her cunt, running his nose briefly against her thigh,

"You don't smell of vanilla" he grumbled.

Holding his cock one head and her waist with the other he slowly pushed himself into her.

Sierra felt violated by the girth that sky portrayed inside her. Violated in the most pleasant ways, feeling each side of her wall stretch to its full capacity as he moved inside her.

Grinding his hips in circles, eliciting a forbidden form of pleasure out of her until there was no longer time for gentleness.

His hands pulled at her hair hard. Forcing her against him, the other hand holding her breast kneading at her nipple. It was almost painfully pleasurable.

"Scream Aiyana. Scream for your Mr. Arizona."

Sierra had not registered then, it hadn't been her name that sky was screaming, but she complied to his order and screamed like a whore at the top of her voice.

The tugging at her breasts got harder, the teeth sunk in deep leaving marks of the elicit adventure.

"Come for me you wretched whore!"

His thrusts got harder and his fingers left her breast to toy with her clitoris, spanking and tugging at the bulb of nerves, forcing her to come.

"I said come for me!" His command harsh this time making Sierra come hard.

Hard enough for her to scream for the next two thrusts and he came.

It took them a few minutes to settle down, toying with her sore nipples again he said,

"I would like to do this again, my red bird"

And Sierra knew she was damned to be with him for a very long time. For a forever time.