Chapter 23

“So which movie should we watch today?” Liam asked

“Letters to Juliet”

“Die hard”

Scarlett and Aiyana said in unison.

“What about me? I want to watch Star wars” Liam said.

“Voters privilege?” the three said in unison.

Scarlett’s hand smacked directly on both Liam and Aiyana’s laps, stroking their thighs.

Her voice dropping to a seductive whisper as she pouted and said, “Let’s watch my movie…”

“No. baby I am going to keep my ground this time.”

Scarlett’s fingers skimmed higher as she cupped their sexes. Her adept fingers brushing over ever so lightly, earning a moan form Liam as his cock twitched alert under Scarlett’s expert fingers. Aiyana’s legs also spread open slightly but she otherwise did not seem to react.

“Baby girl you try this every time. You know it doesn’t work on me. I am straight!” Aiyana laughed.

“Yes but considering you just got kissed by that hottie I thought maybe it might just work this time.”

Aiyana laughed loudly before she said, “Only if Chris there would do that might I agree to it. Besides we always concede to your crappy movies. For once listen to us.”

Scarlett turned to Chris and spoke to him, “Don’t you want to convince her?”

Chris’s eyes were mesmerized by the movement of Scarlett’s fingers against Aiyana’s sex wanted to do nothing more than to touch her, run his fingers against her sex. Cup her through her shorts and maybe even unbutton them and let his fingers glide inside. He gulped before he pounced on Aiyana faster than she could react.

And there he was lying on top of Aiyana, his hands on either side of face, his breath teasing her lips. All laughter left Aiyana as she felt him on top of her. She smiled at Chris almost daring him to go through his unspoken challenge.

“It seems it’s a day of assault for me... first that perky hot blonde now...”

Chris’ lips descended on Aiyana’s as his fingers laced between Aiyana’s, stretching their hands above their heads. A soft moan escaping Aiyana’s lips as she felt Chris’ hard abdomen against her own, felling his body align to her own. His proud erection pushed to the wet core between her legs. Brushing her into a sweeter arousal.

His hands then moved to hold Aiyana’s wrists together in one hand as the fingers of his other hand clasped around her neck, gently choking her. His tongue entered her mouth coaxing her taste, battling her fierceness.

Their tongues continued to duel until they were out of breath and he moved his face away before saying, “Say yes to her.”

Aiyana felt dizzy and aroused, her mind too occupied by the feel of Chris’s skin against her own that she did not even process anything when she said yes.

He chuckled and turned his face to Scarlett, “Well I did it.”

“Thank you for the sacrifice of enjoying” Scarlett mumbled.

Getting up to change to watch Letters to Juliet.

“Well, move away from her Chris. I agreed to let you convince her not to fuck your way through the movie. Besides we need to eat.”

Chris pouted but got off Aiyana, instead settling her between his legs, seated on his lap.

“I am cold!” Aiyana whined.

“I know. You always get cold so I already brought a blanket. It’s on the side table.”

Scarlett exclaimed, completely absorbed in the movie as Liam peacefully slept against the sofa. Aiyana was enjoying it but Chris seemed bored as he played his way through the movie until the blanket covered the two of them.

Now, he was suddenly interested. Unfortunately, his newfound focus was not on the movie.

His palms that had previously rested on Aiyana’s waist started to travel down cupping her between her legs.