Chapter 70

“Someone’s home sulking!” Aiyana exclaimed as she chased Sky down in a bear hug.

“Ugh! Woman stay away. You are too clingy for me!” Sky said teasingly.

Aiyana grinned cheekily and jumped on his back, her arms around his neck and legs firmly balanced her body to his. She knew Sky hated such random bouts of affection so she made sure to always show them.

“Come on you two. Please don’t start again!” Chris complained.

“Then get your annoying clingy woman off me!” Sky said in mock annoyance.

“Sky if she listened to me and not perform her theatrics then don’t you think I would make to work on time! I used to be a man who was always before time until this little chipmunk showed up! Now I am always exhausted and late… She makes me drop her to places especially when I am late just for the kicks bro… you have it lucky this one here does everything in her power to annoy me!” Chris complained in way that said he found these theatrics adorable.