Chapter ~ 14


The girl was what you would call a doll of the Victorian era.

Her hair was honey-blond from roots to the tip, just like her mother. Her golden hair draped down softly curling along the ends. She had identical blue glacial eyes as the queen dowager, which apparently were fixed on me as she made her way towards us. But the very next moment, she dismissed me as if I was but just a speck of dust in her soles of her shoes, as if I were an afterthought, not relevant enough to stick and not important enough to appear often.

As soon as I laid eyes on her, I could tell that she was never less than arrogant. Her attitude spoke bunches of her conceited heritage. She must have been brought up with a belief that she was superior to everyone else by virtue of her birth. Perhaps without that she could have been beautiful, touching even, but that sneer made her features light up in all sorts of wrong ways. Perhaps she was a baby that was left to cry, or a personality disorder the doctors couldn't fix.

But then, she looked at Reuben in a way a pig would look at it's feed and muttered in a honeysuckled tone, "Dearest king brother~" Woah! The 180 degree turns. So like mother like daughter.

"How have you been imperial sister?" Reuben answered in acknowledgement.

"Oh, don't you know how I have been recently?" She pouted her glossy red lips, trying hard to look as lovable as possible. But if you ask me, she looked more desperate than lovely. "I am very displeased if you must know." She said, "I can't believe king brother got married without my presence. How could you?"

Reuben's voice was as stagnant as the still water, not a fluctuation in his mien, but his words were cordial nevertheless "I am very sorry about that princess Cordelia, the wedding could not be postponed due to certain intricacies, so my humble apology is all I can offer to quell your displeasure."

"Ah, polite as always I see, imperial brother." She smiled in a very strange manner, I do not exactly know how to describe it, but her eyes curved into the shape of two new moons and her red lips looked a bit coquettish. She twirled a long thin golden strand of her hair in her index finger as she looked at Reuben's bandaged face, "Brother dear, why do you have to hide your appearance in front of family? All of us here are aware of your handsomeness, I don't really see a reason for you to hide your pretty face." Even the way she talked to him seemed strange to my ears now. Wait! Was she drooling?

"Oh, come now Cordelia, you can never be too careful when you are the ruler of a country, isn't that so son?" Queen Beatrice said with a smile.

"Yes, Queen mother." Was Reuben's reply.

"Hmmm, is that so?" Princess Cordelia, in the other hand, looked like she was carrying other ideas in her head, because the next moment I felt a lascivious soft touch gliding up my legs, grinding and toeing in a seductive manner.

A jitter of goosepimples decorated my skin and I almost jumped off the table as I felt like I had been scalded with burning hot iron.

In my speechlessness, I snapped my head up to look at the so-called propriety princess with wide gobsmacked eyes, very much fearing in my heart the countless possibilities my mind had to offer.

However, the very next second, I realized I didn't have to worry about the princess being a homo and falling irrevocably in love with me at first sight. But now, I seem to have to worry about not wanting to witness any X-rated incest scenes occurring in front of me.

Yes, by the way this princess Cordelia was eyeing Reuben with utter blatant lust could hardly be hidden to the naked eyes.

All the while, her toes were pinching, twirling and curling around my feet like a snake in heat.

Now I was pretty sure that she wasn't trying to hit on me, in fact she was trying to seduce my brand-new husband under everyone's nose. But she seemed to have caught hold of the wrong foot.

Ah! The blasphemy of under-table manners seemed to have been perfected by this Royal hussy.

I had heard of the ancient civilization being barbarous and indulging in all kinds of taboos, also watched many dramas about their unabashed deeds. It was all fun and games until it was happening before my eyes, and inadvertently involving me. I mean, imagine slobbering your own snotty nosed brother's mouth without reserve.

Only one word, 'Eww!!!'

Where such notions don't even begin to make sense to a person with a generation gap of a few hundred or so years, this perverse princess was visibly panting on the dining table while biting her lower lip in a look of twisted pleasure.

'Hold on woman! Don't start dry humping here out in the open.' I could only helplessly scream inside my head.

I, of course wanted to drop subtle hints to the princess to let her realize her blunder and in an attempt to do so, I lightly pressed her foot to grab her attention, but alas! My blasted luck, I seemed to have gotten her more excited in turn as her breathing got more ragged. In consequence, she started rubbing her foot more intensely against me.

I was hungry, but all my appetite was harshly squashed under the R-rated action-packed activities going on under the table.

I was the human version of tangled headphones and sat petrified to my seat in heavy remorse and awkwardness, on the opposite side of the table however, the rabid princess looked red like a beetroot and her eyes were a shade of limpid glassiness of lust.

The Queen dowager and Reuben made no other noises other than the occasional clinging of cutleries. From time to time, the queen would serve a handful of pork-ribs or soup to Reuben’s plate but that was it. No one made a squeak and the atmosphere around the table seemed to have a perfunctory harmony. Everything seemed placid and nice, but everyone of us knew that it was nothing more than deep-seated pretense. However, what I really didn’t get was whether they truly didn't notice the abnormality of the princess or if they were ignoring it and feigning to be just innocent bystanders while they were at it.

At the end of it all, I was like 'Gaahh! Whatever, screw it all. Since she is so keen on give a foot massage I'll just go right ahead and enjoy it. Hah! Besides, the ability to "shift gears" in the brain according to the "terrain" is a sign of good health, it just shows how awesome and adaptable I am. And it is not my fault that she got the wrong person.'

So that is what I did. I even put in my other foot to let her massage, and she seemed to happily oblige, using even her other foot to give me a relaxing massage.

After my initial shock had passed, I adapted to the situation quite well. I could even eat a few morsels as I enjoyed my free foot massage.

The princess seemed to have calmed down a little bit too, she also started to slowly cut her meat into small pieces to eat.

I was in my relaxed state, when a sudden jab assaulted my foot, and I was a bit uncomfortable. This princess Cordelia seemed to be a fierce one. She was poking and prodding me a tad bit too much now. The relaxed foot massage was getting a bit painful all of a sudden due to her insistent jabs and nudges. Until she decided to be bolder and slide her foot upper towards taboo areas of my lower half. Now I could no longer just ignore her misdeeds.


"MnnaAH! Princess, please not there." I think I was too slacked, and that was precisely why my mouth seemed to suddenly have gained a mind of its own.

Three heads sharply snapped towards my way, and when I raised my head up, I found three pairs of eyes intensely staring at me.

Two of them were of mere confused inquisition while the third pair had a look of absolute horror.

It's as if I could see thought bubbles appear on top of her head, it said that 'She wanted to go back in time and punch herself in the face for grabbing the wrong leg.'

I am not such a heartless person and I certainly pitied her mortified self. If I were in her shoes, I would want to jump off a cliff too(sigh). But whatever else could I do to remedy this embarrassing situation. After all, spoken words were like spilled water and released arrow out of a bow. I could only smile ineptly and offer my condolences to the pitiful princess.

'May your self-esteem rest in peace.'

Obscure heaviness and an awkward atmosphere suddenly veiled the otherwise quite environment around the table while I was feeling utterly crushed under the discomfited air that I had unintentionally created for myself.

I bit my inner cheeks in anxiety, thinking of many ways to try and elevate the strange atmosphere.

"Ah.... Erm...I just remembered a funny joke. Do you guys wanna hear it?" I tried not to make my voice sound too gauche or awkward, wanting to act as if nothing was wrong and it wasn't me just now who had accidentally blurted out stuff I shouldn't have.

No one spoke a word, and I could only continue with my charade, "Do you know why Adele crossed the road?"

Everyone, "....."

"To say hello from the other side." I answered while 'Heheing' in a chirpy tone.

Everyone, "..............."

To be Continued..........