Ola` people. I just wanna say, I’m not in a good mood today. Why you ask? Because I had been bestowed another enlightenment today; If I was a bird, I now know who I would shit on.
Oh, I think you guys have guessed it out already, but I'm still going to narrate my sob-story to you guys today, otherwise I don’t know where else I would be able to vent out my frustrations. So bear with me people_
Reuben didn’t speak much after his heart to heart with me. He and lord Gilbert left me to attend to their respective royal duties, but I had a gut feeling about the recent changes in the wind. I felt nothing was going to be the same anymore. And No, I was not being paranoid. When I say that you should always trust your gut, please do not question my supposition. Your brain can be fooled, and your heart is an idiot, but your gut doesn’t know how to lie.