Chapter ~ 43


We made our way towards the inn we were currently lodging with the abbot in tow. He had suggested to take two of his disciples along with him and I didn't really care to disprove. It was not like anything much would change if a few of his cohorts tagged along.

We soon reached our said destination and the moment he got off the carriage, a myriad of chaos spread along the street like wildfire. The people who saw him unconsciously scampered away from him in fright, as if they were beasts in a flood scurrying for their lives. The prior unruffled atmosphere suddenly got churned into a hushed upheaval; the people around, acting like they were seeing the devil incarnate himself. All of this happened at such a scale that it was not something that could go unnoticed even if one were to wear blindfolds.

"Oh my, the people around seem to respect you quite a bit, doesn't it?" I said with a smile.