Chapter 5 Work with him?

Insha Allah(If Allah wills)you will be given so much one day that you will forget all the heartbreaks and pain..Have patience and Faith.


As we settled we watched a serial but I kept thinking about yesterday's event, Imran's coming back and him having dinner with us and the talk about proposal....these people were confusing with my brain.

I saw dad coming down from stairs," Dad has a seat with us," I told dad since it's the night he spends some time with us as at daytime he is always busy at work and he seriously should take a break.

"I want to talk to you about something dear, "Dad started while taking homemade crisps with chillies and salt and I changed the channel to sports for him.

"Yea dad anything for you," I said assuring him that first comes him whatever he will say and mum was just smiling.

"What's up?"I wondered and let me tell you sometimes my parents can be so secretive.

"Well I don't even know how you will react but I want you to help Imran in his company...I know you have knowledge of accounts, something went wrong and he needs our help," Dad said nervously as if I would say no.

"I had some questions."

"Why Imran's company dad ?I can work from your company or at home."

"I thought a lot about it but it will be better if you start from tomorrow at his company and help him out I will be coming and checking out also," He said while my mum also agreeing.

"Just agree dear It's your dad's Idea since Imran also wanted someone trustworthy and your dad and I suggested him your name and you won't believe but he agreed instantly as if he wanted you to work with him since long," Mum also joined the conversation and she knew my situation.

All plan of avoiding in vain.

What was Imran thinking when he agreed and the guy hates my guts how will he tolerate me in the same company?

"Yes dad I agree to work with him," I told him and the smile appeared on both of their faces.

Happiness is seeing a smile on your parents face and knowing you are the reason behind their smile.

"That's like my daughter," Mum said and dad just narrowed his eyebrows at me and mum and said, "That's like our daughter."

I will just call him and let him know that you have agreed and I know you both are matured and we have known each other since childhood, we trust you both with that dad excused himself and went to make a call.

"Don't stress too much," Mum came and sat near me while patting on my shoulders.

"I am not stressing."

"I know you more than anyone else dear now stop frowning and let's make dinner," Mum said while taking my hand and I followed her.

We made fish fingers and chips I just missed having fish it's been long since we last ate..usually, we do barbecue and mostly It's chicken and stuff this time we decided to make something different...

I fried chips as we fry twice and some we baked while mum continued with fish process once done we waited for maghrib adhan(call to prayer), meanwhile we just decided to pray Qur'an Alhamdulillah.

After dinner:

We sat a little bit and watched news what's happening around the world and later on when mum and dad decided to go to their room I also decided to sleep since tomorrow will be the first day at work.

Well, I have never been to his office in my enter life no matter how close our families were..ya Allah help me.

I entered my room worn night suit removed my hairpin as I usually sleep while my hair is open, they say It's good for hair to get air...switched on green coloured bulb and took two pillows I don't even know where this habit of sleeping with two pillows came from.

I was arranging pillows and taking duvet the soft blue colour then I went and did ablution that's what I do before sleeping Alhamdulillah then I checked my messages.

I had around 10snaps wow because of streak we send each other at least once or twice in a day as rest of applications I use rarely but one message caught my eye it was an unknown number.

"Should I open or not?"

I decided to open since I was curious and there was a message.


Unknown: See you soon.

I saw message and ignored and I know the person must have seen the two blue ticks.

Unknown: So now you will even Ignore my messages?

I just decided to reply to whoever he/she was.

"I don't chat with strangers, sorry," I wrote back angrily who got my number? harldy anyone has it. It's not easy to trust anyone nowadays ahh.

Unknown: I know you are curious mhh should I tell you or not okay let me tell you my name is......

"Yeah?"I replied back

"What does he think of himself?"I can sense he's guy.

Unknown: okay okay I am Imran and be at work by eight am sharp.

I need some help as some of my staff turned out to be greedy and helped other company so they benefited more as the company was my rival and there are some errors in accounting I will be busy with meetings so I need your help and see you soon.

"How did you get my number?" I asked him.


He went offline? that jerk like seriously Couldn't he ask politely?