Chapter 9 Jealousy&Moments

"Some people wanna see you do good but never better than that and have you ever noticed that?"


"Who?"I asked him again while looking anywhere but him.

"You, I have you in my mind...I mean for my best friend but before asking him I wanted to ask you if you are ready."

"Say something,"He said again but I kept silent I felt sudden urge of running away from here rather than sitting with him in car and going home.

"Why are you doing this?"I asked him and I hope he will answer me genuinely from his heart instead I got an answer which confused me more.

"He is a nice guy and he will keep you happy and I care for you."

Who suggests a guy and at same time confuses a girl by saying he cares only Imran does that kind of stuffs.

The word care I wanted to hear from him but not in such situation.

"I need to go and thank you for the care and see you tomorrow InshaaAllah(If Allah wills),"I told him and as I was about to open door I heard his voice.

"You know It's almost evening and I will drop you can't go with stranger your dad won't like it,"He said I knew he won't like it but he won't say it directly.

"No thank you go give lift to the one about whom you told dad the other day,"I told him if he thought he was looking out for me then I even will remind dad about the girl he said and let's see what he does.

"Oh someone is jealous,"He said and I sighed tired of fighting and arguing I looked at him he had that small slight smile playing on his lips.

Ahhh I looked away....before he noticed my cheeks which must have been red by now.

"I am not jealous,"I told him every word clearly but inside I was feeling all types of emotions.

"Then think about him and let me know so I talk to your mother about it,"He said and took car keys I just followed him din't wanna argue anymore let him do what he wants if he will find for me a guy then I will tell dad he also needs someone the way he cares for me I care way too much and he had once mentioned to dad about girl for himself.

Wait and watch Mr Imran.

While going to parking area I told him,"I will sit behind,"He just shrugged his shoulders and sat infront while telling me back.

"I am not driver,"I just ignored and sat infront I had no other choice since he was stubborn.

We sat in car in comfortable silence no one spoke anything I glanced towards him but his focus was 100%on road thinking deeply I looked away but decided to break the silence.

"We need to talk."

"There is nothing to talk about,"He said while dialling a certain number when I looked if he had earphones I still continued.

"It's not safe to drive and call,"I said while looking outside window cool breeze hit on my face I just love looking at nature Allah's creation SubhanAllah.

"Yeah I will take pills on time in morning before work and at work yeah don't worry,"He said as fast and slow as possible but still I heard him.

"Imran medicines?you taking medicines and over working do you even care about yourself?"I asked making myself calmer before I get angry seriously this guy doesn't take care of his health.

"You think I haven't noiced but I have since I have been stuck with you,"I told him but he looked at me and for a minute I saw his eyes held emotions but he just masked them instantly.

"If you so wanna get rid of me then once we are done you can leave you won't be stuck with me anymore,"He said and focused back on road I know I shouldn't have said that but he took my words with wrong meaning.

Think before you speak.

Once words said will be forgiven but not forgotten.

"I din't mean it that way please try and understand I care for you."

"You have lost some weight and you have dark circles, you had or might still be having headaches, you had fever....."

"Stop it!just stop it,"He cut me off and and stopped car he told me we have reached.

"Take care see you tomorrow,"He just nodded and I will find out whatever has been troubling you.

"Do what you want and think about guy,"He said I got angry and looked at him instead he was smiling and told me I look cute while angry.

Idiot ah... I told him thanks and just left towards our house as soon as mum opened the door I hugged mum and dad later we talked, prayed maghrib recited a little bit of Qur'an made dua(prayer) then entered the kitchen I so wanted to find out about something and I did.


I was laying on bed waiting for last prayer Isha then we were to go out visiting since mum and dad went in their room but after while mum came and sat near me and I put my phone away.

"How was your day?"She asked me and took a bottle of oil to apply in my hair sometimes I don't like but since it's good for hair I agreed and sat down while she sat on bed.

"It was good Alhamdulillah."

"You know your dad sensed something was troubling you we both were watching you during dinner you were lost in thoughts."

"If It's about Imran then even your dad is worried about him in their last meeting your dad said something was off about Imran also Yumna his sister and Ahad are coming back,"She said and I was really excited as finally, I will get to meet her after months.

"Really that's great if they are coming,"I told her happiness clearly shown by both of us.

"Mum I don't know what's bothering him I am trying my best but he keeps pushing me away and today he told me that his friend was looking for someone and he wanted to settle down,"I told her and she closed bottle and we both sat while I combed my hair.

"I said I don't have anyone in my mind but he said he had and he chose me how could he do that?"I asked my mom and she just squeezed my hand and hugged me.

"Don't worry just let Allah handle about this one if It's meant to be it will be if not then Allah plans best,"She said and gave me hug which I needed most.

"As far as Imran is concerned dear help him he is really charmer and good guy I just don't know what's bothering him but I know since you are stuck with this ceo why not help him?"She said and I just smiled mum is so understanding MashaaAllah.

Now I and your dad are taking nap if you are awak8.30 pm.30pm Isha time do wake us up if we will be awake we will wake you up,"She said and checked time we still had half n hour to go I just decided to check wattpad while she left and closed the door.

Mum kissed me on my forehead and told me not to think much about it an I saw a message in my inbox.

It was Imran n's in group since last time he just logged off without replying..crazy guy so this time he wrote in group..fine avoid then after sometime he texted me to which I replied and later I to ld him,"I will find out."

"We will see,"He replied back.


Sometimes I ask myself how did I even fell for him?what?I love him?the realization hit me pretty hard ya Allah what happened to me?It's not right I will just help him then leave e it's blessing to bring someone on right path.


I typed in chrome about his symptoms since some few years I have been using chrome instead of opera mini there were many diseases mentioned but mostly it was one which symptoms and I couldn't believe it and a gasp escaped my mouth and I was surprised but in m,y heart I prayed I checked more and more about it and next I saw,"What?"I asked myself.