Chapter 17 What's happening?


She was trying to create a space in my heart or I guess she already has created a space in my heart.

I din't want to get hurt again or trust anyone but here she was and she knew almost everything yet she stayed back to support me.

I like her I admit it but sometimes I still feel she deserves someone better.

It's so confusing.

I feel like I should be with her and that's why when I got chance I proposed to her it was not because of everyone's saying it was because that moment I realized how much I like her.

Love?Well that I don't think so for now.

After I left her at her house till she reached inside her house I went straight home opened the door threw the car keys on dressing table and I laid on bed but sleep never came and I was lost in her thoughts I even kept my phone aside din't want anyone to disturb me at moment till I realize what I want exactly.