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Everyone parted for her when they saw the furious look on Nelly's face. They were all familiar with her temper, and some feared it, while others didn't want to cross her path when she was angry.

She was searching for Kyle. Nelly knew he had to be somewhere around the house, and she wasn't going to rest until she finds him. She was so angry that she felt murderous. Spotting one of his friends, she stalked over to him, pushing people out of her way and pulled him up from the chair, going up on his face.

"Where's Kyle?" she demanded vehemently.

Roland gulped, pointing to the backyard. The backyard, of course. She pushed him back down and stormed over to the double doors, sliding it open. Roland was right. Kyle was out there. He was sitting with his friends—around eight people, talking and laughing.

Fury blinded her.

"You son of a fucking bitch," she snapped, her eyes stormy as she yanked Kyle out of the chair, who was startled before Nelly punched him in the face, hearing a sound of a crack. Her knuckles hurt. It was like punching a brick.

"What the fuck?" he screamed, touching his nose that had started to bleed. The rest of the guys were looking at them speechless. Kyle's eyes rounded on her before they darkened in anger. "What the fuck is wrong with you, you crazy bitch?"

Eyes narrowed and teeth gritting, she pointed her finger at him. "If you ever talk about Lucy with anyone, I'd kill you. If you so much as breathe in her way, I'd cut off your dick and feed it to you. Isn't that what you're so proud of?" She gave him a lengthy look, and if he wasn't a piece of shit, Kyle was attractive. He had the face and body to get him the front cover of a magazine—dirty blonde hair, prominent jaw, and brown eyes. Nelly whirled around to leave.

"Can't do that," Kyle called out in amusement. "I have to get something from you. I'd leave your friend alone if you hand over your virginity to me. That's the payment, sweetheart." His eyes trailed down and then back up, but not after it lingered on my chest.

"Dude..." Nate started to say in a warning.

Nelly was shaking in anger. Blinded by fury, she picked up a bat from the ground and launched at Kyle, whose eyes widened when he saw her lift the bat and quickly covered his face, ready for the attack. If Max hadn't jumped off from the chair in time and wrapped his arms around Nelly, drawing her away from Kyle, she would have murdered him on the spot.

"Get off me!" she screamed, lashing in his arms. He held on tight to her. His strength was no match for her. He was an athlete. "Get the hell off me!" He had lifted her off the ground, and she was thrashing around, trying to take a swing at Kyle, who was now grinning after realizing he was safe.

"Calm down!" Max was saying, but she was hearing none of it. She kept struggling to get herself from his hold.

"Damn, Nelly. Think you could bring that energy with you when I fuck you in my bed? They say the craziest bitches are the wild ones in bed." He grinned ruefully. It was the same grin that she had seen him use on Lucy and all those other girls.

"Argh!" She went wild, trying to bite Max's hand to get away. Twisting. Kicking. Scratching. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" she screamed at Kyle while Max began to pull her away and towards the door. "Let me go, Max! Let me go kill that asshole!"

"I won't let you commit murder, Nell."

She used all her strength to stomp on his foot, then bite him hard on his arm before elbowing him in the stomach. Max cried out in pain and released her from his hold, and Nelly, seeing that opportunity dashed toward Kyle, but someone stepped in front of her, a dark shadow looming over her.

And the next thing she knew, someone had thrown a drink on her face.

Shock ran through her. Nelly blinked, lifting her hand to wipe the drink off her face before she snapped her head up, meeting the eyes of the culprit who had thrown his drink on her. She stared at him with burning eyes.

He towered over her like a dark angel, his shoulders wide and all muscle. His hair was dark, so very dark and messy. The line of his jaw was square and ruthless. With one look, she knew he commanded silence, but she refused to be silenced by someone of his status. Eyeing him from head to toe, she was disgusted at the worn-out ripped jeans, his shirt that didn't look like it had seen enough water lately. Overall, he smelled like old cars and dirty tires. There was nothing kind, sensitive, or remotely boyish about him. He was a predator who undoubtedly liked to toy with his prey before killing it.

He was standing before her, so close her feet were planted squarely between his. He wasn't touching her, yet he was so close she could feel the rise and fall of his massive chest with every breath he drew.

She didn't move, though instinct told her she does just that. Deep within her chest, she knew that her Grandpa had not shown weakness in battle despite this fierce opponent. Nor, she decided, with perhaps more valiance than prudence, would she do it. Though she was inwardly quaking, boldly she met his regard.

"What, would you swing that bat at me now?" His voice rang out strongly. It was hard and hoarse. Cold and unforgiving.

Hidden fire seemed to alight inside her then. The soft line of her lip curled in disdain. "Do you have a death wish?"

"Death wish?" Mockery lay deep and biting in his tone. "What do I need to fear from you?"

She nearly choked on her fury. "I would excuse your action and your rudeness, seeing as you're not worth exchanging words with. You must lack brain cells for you to think it's okay to come up to me and–"

His eyes narrowed. He spoke easily, his tone belying the sizzle of anger that seared his veins. "Shut the fuck up because you actually sound so stupid."

For an instant, she could hardly believe her ears. The fact that he looked like trash, belong to nothing but could still look at her in the face and say all of that with his whole chest puzzled her. Sheer fury hardened within Nelly. "Excuse me?"

"You're definitely excused seeing as you're the one who lacks brain cells." He was looking at her with such loathing and contempt it stunned her. What the hell had she done to him to receive that kind of hate? Was he simply bored and thought her a perfect victim to unleash his anger at?

"Who the hell do you think you are? Have you taken a good look at yourself? I'm even embarrassed to stand here with you."

"You're embarrassed?" His smile was twisted. "I'm the one who is actually embarrassed for the people of this town who think you're something," Softly though he spoke, there was no disguising the edge in his tone—nor the mockery he now posed. "but standing right in front of you, you have nothing to show except your money. Not even your face can hide how hideous you are."

"Cole, come on, man. Stop it," Someone said from behind. She couldn't put a name to the voice, not when she was blinded by fury.

"Yeah, man. Cut it out. It doesn't need to get that far." That, she knew was Max's voice.

He smiled, a smiled she knew instinctively did not sit well with her. "No, let me tell her this. You assholes have been feeding into her ego, making her believe she's something."

"What the hell is your problem?" She didn't know him. She had never met him, so why would he say all of that? They hardly knew each other!

"You. Girls like you are my problem."

A wide grin spread across her face. "Oh, so it's jealousy?" she asked with an arched brow. "You can't handle the fact that I'm rich and my life is what you want? Here." She opened her purse and fished out six hundred, throwing it on his face, the bills smacking his face before dropping to his feet. She added with amusement, "I'm sure that enough will reduce the hate in your heart. And if that's not enough, you just tell one of the guys and they will take you straight to me. I'm sure I can spare a few dollars for the needy."

He seized her with such startling quickness that she cried out. Belatedly, she recognized the violence in his features. It struck her then...his hold was not brutal, yet there was no gentleness in it either. "Next time, think carefully with what comes out of your mouth," he warned harshly.

She slapped his hands away and pushed him back, glaring up at him. "I don't know where you came from, but in this town, we don't let wild animals run free. So, you better think carefully before you touch me again, or you will find living in this town to be your worst nightmare."

A hard smile creased his lips. "I did wonder," he said quietly. "If you are so brave, or merely stupid." He paused. "Now I know."

"I won't let shit like you talk to me that way."

"Because I don't have money I'm shit? That I'm not worth talking to? Is that what you've been taught at home? To look down on people?"

Nelly slapped him hard.

It took him three seconds before he brought his face to look at her, the imprint of her hand visible on his cheek, his eyes cold. "Do that again and you will regret ever stepping foot in this house."

Nate was the one who wrapped his hand around Nelly's arm and tugged her back because he could feel Cole was starting to lose control of his anger and Nelly would not stand back down so easily. "Nell, let's go...."

Nelly let Nate pull her back towards the door, but not before making her threat to Cole. "I will make your life a living hell, you hear me? I won't let this go."

Cole put his hands in his pocket and rolled his eyes. "Great, now get the hell out of here."

As soon as they were outside, Nate rounded on her, turning around to face her. "Listen, don't mess with Cole. Stay away from him."

"What is the hell is that supposed to mean?" she demanded to know.

His eyes locked with hers and she saw that he was considering it, considering something. Finally, he cut out something else, "You're my friend, and I don't like seeing my friends get hurt, but Cole will hurt you. He's bad news, he's a different kind of asshole compared to Kyle."

"Is that why he defended him?"

"Cole owed him, and we boys, no matter how much of a dick our friend is, we look past it. But Kyle helped Cole. It was expected of him to come to his defense."

Nelly crossed her arms, curious. "I have never seen him before." He had to be the new guy Mia was talking about.

"That's because he left home and came to this town a week ago. I don't know much, but I only know he was involved in some bad shit with some very bad people. Please, don't encourage this fight. Let it die tonight. Don't talk to him again. Please, Nelly?" He grabbed her arm and gave a slight squeeze. There were only a few times Nate ever got worried and this was one of them. In fact, a worried Nate was a rare event.

"I can't promise you anything, Nate. But he insulted me tonight. I won't let him get away from it." There was a threat and promise in there.