Alona_ The Present
So much has happened since then. Now that I look back, I can't help but think if it's meant to be, it will always be.
When they were together, it was like pulling a hurricane and a tornado into the same room. You can feel the tension. They sparked.
I didn't believe in the cliche of soulmates until I saw them together.
It starts to drizzle as I stand before her grave and stare into space. My dad urges me to come along, his eyes bloodshot with bags under them due to lack of sleep. My dad is a good man. But I think somewhere inside, even he realized that mom's heart didn't all belonged to him. But I could tell, he loves her nevertheless. Now, as I look at my dad I just see a lost man looking at the world as if it is inside an aquarium, and he is just an onlooker having nothing to do with it. Everything is bleak to him, empty without his love. But I hope one day he finds the strength to pick himself up and move forward.