Chapter _2 Trouble in Paradise

Ashraf kaka opens the door of my Range Rover. My eyes dart towards Sahana with her perfectly styled hair and her emotionless face. All the disconcerting emotions she was manifesting an hour before are wiped off from her face. Her perfect actor persona is on. I look at the small mirror in car, my blue eyes stare right back at me, filled with? I can't even comprehend on what, so I do what I always do, pinch myself to concentrate taking a step out of the car, managing a genuine smile and thank you to my favourite friend, Ashraf kaka.

" Uncle park the car and come inside. Please don't keep waiting in the car. You ditched me last time. "

" Beta, I can't. It's not my place." He passes me a kind smile.

" Kaka please? For me? I beg you. Please do come inside. Consider it as my coming birthday present. Please. " I move towards him and holds his hand, giving him the smile which I know he won't say no to.

He gives me a mustachioed smile and hesitantly mutters " Okay. Whatever you say."

" Let's go Shanvi. " Sahana turns towards us and gives Ashraf kaka a pretentious smile. I see the change in Ashraf kaka's demeanor.

" I will be waiting" I give him a quick wave and head towards Sahana.

We both head towards the pathway engraved with clinquant lights and on the sides, a kaleidoscope of buttercups and roses. I love the smell of flowers, so I instantly crouch down when I see a Juliet rose. I take a whiff and the fragrance fills me with pleasure. I feel a little better instantly.

" You are so queer. Everybody must be waiting inside. Let's go. And why did you invite your driver inside. " Sahana sneers, breaking me from my reverence.

I look pointingly at her ,her tone irks me. " You know he is not just a driver. He's more like a family member atleast give him some respect. And how many times he have helped you out? " I ask her with arched eyebrows.

That makes her stop and she rolls her eyes with a lit bit of smile. But her smile sods off soon. " We have to talk to him, let's go."

The ginormous french style bungalow of kiyansh's parents is always a sight to see. It's barn style entrance always made me feel fascinated when I was a little child. This house feels more like home for me. I'll always remember the way I and Kiyansh played hide and seek here.

My heart smiles when I remember how many times I have run away from home childishly and found myself here.

We move towards the garden, filled with trees gleaming in turquoise coloured lights. The oak tables are aptly covered in the same turquoise coloured table- cloths , pink Juliet roses are perfectly soaked in beautiful decorative cut glasses. Servers dressed in white crisp shirt and black ties are standing beside people holding out coasters of beverages, while properly decorated people are immersing in their usual charades to impress each other, laughing out loud then suddenly as if hit with a tone of elegance, they murmur.

My eyes find the kinder ones, Mrs. Singhania gives me a soft lopsided smile, dressed in a silver lace bodycon dress, she looks younger than her age. Her gaze retract towards me again telling me she is already bored with the conversation she is having with a man dressed in black suit who is waving his hands left and right.

I smile at her and excuse myself from Sahana, who looks towards Mrs. Singhania's direction but quickly averts her eyes. " Come fast." she grumbles.

" I hope I am not disturbing you guys. " I say as soon as I reach them.

" Oh no Shanvi, come here." she squeaks and engulfs me straight into her arms, kissing my right cheek. " It's been a long time," she sighs.

I kiss her back and laugh " It's been one week since we met last time. "

" Exactly a long time." she winks at me, then quickly says " Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce, this is Mr. Rathore, he's been hoping to have a conversation with your mother. She is coming right?"

" Ofcourse" I smile. " Nice to meet you Mr. Rathore." I extend my right hand towards him.

Mr. Rathore flusteredly shakes my hand " My Pleasure, Miss Shanvi"

" Excuse us Mr. Rathore, my husband's quite willing to meet her. " Mrs Singhania says in dismissive but kind tone.

" Yes Sure." He smiles at us before moving towards a women dressed in pink slit dress.

Mrs. Singhania drags me to a corner handling me a glass of red wine from the passing table. " My husband has been poking at me since last week. Accusing me of meeting you alone. 'Couldn't you wait for me?' he said in his grumbling tone. " Mrs. Singhania made a contorting face which made me laugh. " Thank you for saving me by the way. "she adds.

" Don't mention. Perks of knowing each other since so long." I wink at her. I stop for a second. " I need to find him.."

She instantly stops smiling and gives me a knowing look. " Is it about her? " She says ,her eyes finding Sahana. I turn my head and find her looking at us, a sigh heavs from my mouth.

" What happened this time Shanvi?" Her voice instantly dulls , I don't like the change in it.

" Can't tell you right now. Don't worry, I will handle it. "

" God knows Shanvi, you are the only one who can. " her sad eyes unsettles me.

" It's okay. " I encourage a smile at her. " Just do one thing for me. If Ashraf Kaka comes please see to it that he doesn't feel uncomfortable."

" Oh yes, yes ofcourse" her face instanly lights up with a kind smile. " You look beautiful by the way, your dress matches your eyes."

Her kindness warms my heart. I give her a nod. " Gotta go."

" Yes,Yes. Come soon. My Darling Husband is waiting to meet you." she says and slightly turns towards the house.

My eyes dart towards where Sahana was standing seconds ago. Her absence inclining she is with him.

I sigh and head inside the house. High ceiling with a giant chandelier sparkling like a diamond greets me. My stilettos moves fast across the wooden floor, crossing the enormous living room decorated with classic chess themed decore , I press the elevator button.

It dings and the doors to the elevator opens , I step inside and take long drags of breath . What is happening? What I am gonna say to him? All these thoughts moves inside my head.

I reach on the fifth floor and step outside of the elevator instantly. My legs move fast across the hallway until it ends up in his doorway.

High- pitched voice of Sahana enters my ears. I am standing in the doorway contemplating if I should intrude or not. Just as I am about to turn away, the door opens and I am greeted with the most sensual beauty I have ever seen.