Even though sleep was hard. And I kept turning left and right. I woke up as soon as the sun silvered through blinds.
I checked my bedside clock, 5:30 a.m.
I put my head in my hand. Processing everything that happened yesterday. Then I decided to let it all go. And go for a run to clear my mind. I changed into my running shorts and plane black t-shirt, tying my hair up high in a ponytail.
I look myself in the mirror. My blue eyes stare right back at me. My shoulder length hair, courtesy of cutting it spontaneously one day. Even though my ponytail was small it looked good. I looked tall and fit. But I knew better courtesy of the ice cream's I have on a daily basis.
I opened my closet searching for my sports shoes. As soon I find them, I head out.
I usually run around the park near my flat. But today I run around blocks. I run fast until my breath becomes harsh and I am covered with sweat. Until I can't think about him anymore.
I run back home. Taking the stairs instead of lift. We only have 10 floor. Each floor is owned by one individual only.
When I reach my floor,my eyes literally graze the floor. My already hard breath becomes even more unsteady. Kiyansh is standing there leaning across my door dressed in his work suit. He is wearing brown, not the colour of his eyes but almost like nude brown which emphasizes his eyes even more. His hair is messy. Short on the sides but full on the head, makes some of it fall on his forehead.
Then as if he knows I am checking him out. He raises his eyebrows at me. I shake my head slightly and check my wrist watch , 6:24 am.
I scowl at him , "what are you doing here? At 6:24 in the morning. "
" Wrong Darling. I am here since 6:00." He tilts his head. His eyes moving from my face to the whole of my body. I feel myself blush.
" Kiyansh leave me alone. "
" So that you can on dates with strangers." His voice his sharp, almost as if he is angry.
And that makes me even more angry.
" A. He's not a stranger.
B. I can go to date with whomever I
want. "
I know it's a lie but I want to irk him as much as he irks me.
He stands straight and with steel in his voice says, " You are not going on date with anyone."
I smirk at him. And with a sneer on my face I pinch in my fingerprint and head inside my flat. Before spewing " You Wish" on his face.
I did not wait for him to come inside and bang the door before closing it.
This is the rudest thing I have ever done to him. Ever.
And just as I am turning myself to open the door. I hear the sound of code pinching in and two seconds later the door to my living room opens. And he comes strolling in with thunder in his eyes. He closes the door with a bang. And looks at straight towards me, challenge and anger clear in his eyes.
" This is the second time you did something like this with me since yesterday. And I am warning you Shanvi this is not something I like. Especially that you chose to go with another man instead of me, me" he repeats the mee as if his ego is hurt. And that's when it strikes. It's all about his ego.
Fire blazes up inside me. " How dare you say things like that when you were weaving around her since four years. How dare you ask me for marriage, just because she was cheating on you. How dare you always choose me as a second option instead of always saying that I was your best friend. It's all about your ego, always has been. Get out. " I say the unbielivable words to him. My skin burns with anger. But at the same time, the pool of waterfall threatens to come out of my eyes. I curse at myself for always crying because of him.
He looks at me like he doesn't know me. " Shanvi..." he looks at me like he is struggling to find the words. Good for him. It was always me who struggled for words in front of him.
But even though I am thinking such thoughts. Tears start to fall and I don't know how I end up again, weeping. Not in front of him. I say to myself again and again. But stupid me.
" Oh God. " I don't know how I end up in his arms. Or how loud I am crying until I feel irritation in my eyes, his smooth voice in my ears whispering sorry and sorry again.
When I feel like I have had enough, I try to step back. But his arms cage me in. " Shanvi I am sorry. So sorry. I didn't know I was hurting you like that. I am sorry."
" You always do that and I always forgive you. But I won't this time. " I whisper in his chest.
" It's okay. You don't forgive me this time. I don't deserve it. But don't you want to have pancakes like chocolate pancakes with vanilla ice cream."
A smile forms in my lips. But I hide my face in his chest. He is so tall. " Whatever" I say. But I am cartwheeling from inside. Because first, he never cooks for someone else except me. Never. And second, I love chocolate pancakes, like I loveeeee it.
" Okay" i hear smile in his voice.
He smells so good. Dark chocolate and mint. But then I remember I am full covered in sweat. So I struggle away from his arms.
He shakes his head, but with a smirky smile on his face. " Since when you like to run away from me. When we were kids you almost hung around my shoulders. "
" Liar. " True. I did.
He shakes his head and takes my arm moving towards my kitchen.
He opens the cupboard like he knows it with the back of his hand. Taking out ingredients one by one into the big glass bowl. He is taking out each and every ingredient with so much caution he looks like a concentrated handsome child.
But then it dawns on me. " Hey! How did you know my doorlock. "
He stills. Like a rock dug into the sand.
But then he turns so slowly. And I know something is wrong.
He opens his mouth and say so casually. As if it's nothing." I bought the building." Like it's nothing that he bought the building.
My mind travels back to the time. When we both fought each other because he wanted me to stay in one of the buildings he owned. And I declined. Again and again. And he pestered me again and again.
Finally I won. But seems like I was made a fool.
" I don't want to have pancake. Leave me alone. "
He groans as if he is in pain. " Don't make this difficult for me Shanvi. "
Wait? " WHAT!? I am making this difficult for you. Remember I told you I didn't want any favours. And you fooled me into buying an apartment in one of your buildings just because I trusted you. "
" No I didn't fool you. I just bought the building after you bought it. When you bought it. It belonged to someone else. I just care about your safety. I didn't want anybody else to threaten your privacy. "
" Oh just like you did" I scoff .
His expression turns dark. " I am different. I would never hurt you. "
When I don't say anything. He just moves forward, the whisker in his hands clinking on the soapstone slab. I continue to wander my eyes left and right. But I know each and every second step he is taking towards me.
His soft yet rough hand touches my left cheek. " Look at me. " His irrisestible rasp voice smothers me. And automatically my eyes move towards his sandstorm.
" Why are we fighting since yesterday? " His fingers move on my cheek so smoothly, something twirls inside me.
I don't open my mouth because if I open it I don't know what would I say to him.
" You know that you are important to me don't you?"
I don't answer him. So he continues to move his fingers across my cheek. " You never will be my second option. To be really honest I never thought about marriage before."
I open my mouth to say something but his fingers land on lips. His index finger stays still on my lips yet his other fingers move over my lips.
My heart is drumming inside my ears, his eyes dart towards my lips, staring at them fascinately. His fingers still moving. Moving everything inside me.
" I didn't really love her. I ..." he says removing his hand from my lips abruptly. He takes deep breath.
I feel irritation at myself because of the disappointing feeling that I feel when his hands move away from my lip.
" I....I," I hear him stuttering for the first time in my life. " I just want to say I don't think we can be married to anyone else except each other. I mean we are perfect for each other. We have been been best friends since we were three. We went to the same kindergarten, same school. Our parents know each other, actually they love each other. I understand you. You understand me better than anyone. Who else can handle us. One day or other it was suppose to happen." He says it so fast, everything in one breath. I stare at him.... never in my life. Never ever,even when we were kid I heard him talking so fast. He was always the one who spoke in clipped small tone.
He looks at me expectantly. As if I would say yes and run in his arms. But I know better. So I say, " No. "
His eyes widen. Half of his mouth opens, to say something but I interject. " Now make me pancakes. "
He closes his mouth abruptly. He looks like he wants to say something but turns towards the kitchen counter and start mixing the ingredients for pancake. He opens the refrigerator and takes out pack of Hershey's kisses. Without looking at me directly he opens the foil and offers me one before putting one in his mouth.
Then like an angry child. He starts whisking the ingredients harshly. Putting up the pancake batter on the pan. He now cautiously turns them upside down.
" Going to wash my face. Wait for a minute. " I say but he doesn't answer me nor even turns his head in my direction.