After an hour of humdrum around with players everyone got out from the stadium.
Rathi got Kritika's number. While she was blushing profoundly. Like not even seeing someone in the eyes. The two times Shanvi catched it, she winked. Which made Kritika look down again. Whereas Ayan was in full confusion mode. Kiyansh for the first time in his life was beyond embarrassed. He wanted to forget that Vikrant and Rathi were his best Ipl players, and just wanted to kill them honestly.
" So... Are we meeting again? " Ayan stepped in front of Shanvi. He did not even notice the averting stare of Kiyansh.
" Ummm.." Shanvi took a secret glance towards Kiyansh. But she said, "sure"
" You owe me a chocolate cake by the way. " He said and before Shanvi could reply he scurried off, leaving Shanvi , Kiyansh and her Dad.
" Well...I will leave you two. " He winked at us.
Shanvi -
I stood awkwardly after my dad left. But then suddenly I don't know what got into me and without my permission my mouth opened " So you missed me that much huh? On the phone you were like I don't even need you in the finale you don't even know anything about cricket. "
Kiyansh beside me becomes rockstill. Then for the first time in his life, he blushes. His cheeks turn pink and he looks so adorable I couldn't hold it anymore and squealed, " You are blushing oh my god. " I took my phone out and clicked a picture promptly.
" Hey! " He tried to snatch the phone but I kept it in the pocket.
" So do baby wanna have the jealous chocolate cake? "
His face turned even red, if it was possible. " I have to go to office don't have time for your stringy jokes." He touched his jaw. Lie. He lies when he touches his jaw.
" You are lying " I laugh.
" You were not laughing so much in the basement were you? " His eyes turns sincere in a second and I lose all the breath at once.
" Umm let's go you have to go to office" I look towards the car ignoring the images and gooseberry erupting inside me.
As I move towards the car he holds my hands dragging me back. " You know they were right. I did hope that you would come to atleast one of the matches. I wanted you to. But as always you didn't. As always you had excuses. "
He says it like it was all my fault. Like it hurt him that I didn't. I didn't come because you were in relationship with her in front of me always talking about her.
But ofcourse I couldn't say that. So I did not say anything and just sat in the car while he drived.
Two days passed since he called me or contacted me at all. Even though I tried to reason that it was not my fault. Somehow I felt like it was.
I remember how when I was in London it was only him making efforts to come and meet me. He used to visit me in King's college. Even if he was in US.
Two days I have been in my apartment alone continuosly writing and editing the script. Two days since his expression flashes back in my mind.
I sigh and dial his number. Instantly regretting my decision. But before I can cut the call. He picks it up.
" Hello" he says in a gruff voice.
" Hey ! " I say with fake cheer.
Silence falls between us.
He is the one to break it. " Do you want to come over at my place? "
The wave of butterfly passes inside my stomach. How does he understand me so much?
"Yes." I whisper.
" Okay I will pick you up. I am in a meeting right now. At 6 okay? "
He is in a meeting then why did he pick my phone? He hated disturbance.
" Okay Bye" I say and cut the call. I get up from the bed and look in the mirror. My hair looks like someone has pick on it for hours. Ughhhh. I grumble and start my journey towards humanity again.
Exactly at 6 my doorbell rings. I jump and open the door. Dressed in a custom suit in gray colour and messy hair he looks like he has just been in the team of fallen angels.
" You didn't have to come up. "
" It's okay let's go. " He says and I open the door. Picking up my phone and laptop from the table.
" You have been eating that? " He motions towards boxes of crackers and wrappers of potato chips on my sofa.
" I forgot to clean it" I scoff.
" I think you forgot that you had a stomach to take care of. " He shakes his head. " Always irresponsible."
The flash of big iron gates tell me we are in his house. The gates open automatically and we are inside a paved road. He drives for a minute and we are in front of a glass House. His house is literally made of glass and Silver widows and gray stones. It takes my breath everytime I see it.
The lights are glistening in the centre and corners making it even more beautiful.
"Mikey..." I yell when I see a black furball running towards us. I open the car door just as the car stop and he excitedly lands on my feet. I pick him up and he licks my face with his tongue grappling on my shoulders. " How have you been boy" He barks in response " okay okay so papa is not giving you any trouble right? "
As if Mikey understands. He shakes his head and barks again.
I laugh and cocoon it on my shoulders.
" Done you two? " Kiyansh looks amusingly at us.
Mikey grunts and barks at Kiyansh. " Oh so now you're on her side. You traitor. "
Mikey barks at Kiyansh again and tries to get on my shoulder. I laugh at him. " He is always on my side. "
We are in his living room. Sitting in front of the TV on the wooden floor with Mikey on my lap . I am laughing hysterically watching shinchan whereas Kiyansh beside me is trying to show that he doesn't like the cartoon. But his laughs in between says otherwise.
" What do you wanna eat? "
" Anything" I say my eyes still on tv.
He sighs and gets up. His housekeeper smiles at me and I smile back. Kiyansh only has two permanent housekeeper. One cooks and the other looks out for his house. Otherwise all the others come and go. They both stay in near the gym building.
" How are you? " I smile at Rami uncle.
" I am good thank you, would you like to have paneer tikka and rumali roti? "
My mouth instantly waters and I nod my head diligently. He makes so good food. And I need something solid other than junk in my stomach.
He wads off towards the kitchen. Kiyansh comes beside me he has changed in his boxers and black t-shirt. I try not to stare at him.
" We are watching Thor."
" No I groan, Iron man. "
" Thor "
" Ironman."
" Thor"
" Ironman."
Author's note:
What's up these days? Are you all good? I am reading Harry Potter these days. Got the feels you know, J.K. Rowling is a genius