WebNovelMarry Me27.59%

Chapter - 16 Whispers

The bedroom door creaks and I become still. I close my eyes tightly and I hear the door close. I sigh and opens my eyes. He must have gone.

But the moment I open it, in the soft darkness, he is there standing, his presence emenating the soft light in the room coming from under the blinds. He is looking at me. And I know he knows that I am awake.

He moves at the edge of the bed. And without a word crouches down and lays beside me. My heart feels like it's run a marathon. He is two inches away from me. Inside the comforter.

" I couldn't sleep" he whispers.

My throat feels like it has been tied inside. I feel like I can't respond. And then.....he does the most threatning thing in the world he turns towards me and his arms comes around my waist.

I feel like my skin will jump outside my body, is it possible? Yes I feel like it is, right now. His face comes enticingly close to mine. His lips fall above my right ear. A tingle passes there which goes to my toe. I feel a shiver an encompassing shiver run through me. His hold tightens and he pushes me towards him so that my face lies on his muscle bound chest.

" What goes inside your mind ? "

My breath falters.

He removes his lips moves from my ears and his sinful lips falls on my forehead. " Why didn't you come to my room? "

His lips goes to my nose and he kisses me there. " All of a sudden what happened? " He continues.

" You know where they are going next if you won't answer me. " He says in a deep raspy voice.

I waffle. Then gulp. I think of something to say.

Then in a rush without a thought, I say.

" How many times did you bring her here? "

He stills and then his legs comes around me. Binding me like a vine. " Doesn't matter. "

I give him a peril smile. " See that's what I was talking about, I have become a replacement. "

His arms and legs tighten around me. And a dangerous glint passes in his eyes. " I have told you several times, stop comparing yourself with her. You are not her. " He says in a brusque tone.

" That's what I am trying to tell you I am not her. " I whisper, my heart feels like it's been stepped on by a giant elephant. " I am not her Kiyansh. "

" I don't want her, I want you. " He says and closes his eyes in frustation and I still. My heart stumbles back into the groping land. But then a whimper of smile comes to my face.

" Do you really want to marry me? Think about it? " I say with despondency looking at his brown beautiful eyes.

" I only want to marry you. I need to marry you. You are my every.....you you are my best friend. I don't think so anybody else knows me better than you. And I don't want to force you. It's okay you know if you don't want to marry me. But letting yourself think that I am asking you as a replacement, is abstract. It's disrespectful to you. Have you looked yourself in the mirror. You are so kind, your half of the earnings goes to your trust. You think about others before yourself. You light up a room. Your eyes they make everything beautiful. Don't think about yourself like that. You are not just any other girl. And I will not hold you back if you say no to me. It's okay, I know I don't really deserve you. " His eyes goes down. " But don't ever talk about yourself like that."

My heart turns and I want to hold onto his every single word. I want to tell him he deserves everything. That he is kind too. That he lights up everything for me. And in that moment I realise I have to get over my fears. My fears of never once in a lifetime telling him that I love him. That I deserve him and that maybe we can be more than best friend. So I say the word which I held back for so long deep inside me. Troubled confused words. Deep churning throat binding words. And I say, " Let's get married. "

His eyes widen. As a range of emotions passes on his face. He looks shocked. Then confused. Then his whole face turns pink. " You don't have to say yes because of me, you got me wrong I was not saying those things for you to say yes, obviously I want you to say yes, but it should be your yes. " I never heard him being glib in his life, and the thought that I can make him nervous..

" I want to " I whisper.

He looks at me as if to make sure that I am serious. Then a squeal. Literally a squeal comes from him, I never heard him squeal before. His another arms comes under my waist and he holds me up in the air with this arms and his legs.

" What are you doing " I shout. " Put me down. "

He lets me down and I am lying on top of him. His legs bounding me , his arms caging me in. " We are going to marry each other. " He smiles a gleaming rapture smile.

I can't control my laugh " Why all of a sudden you are a kid. "

" Because I can be a kid with you. " He says and beeps his nose with mine.

Blood rushes on my face and I look down on us. His arms and legs tucking me over him. My whole body pressed to him. We have never been in a position like this. And as if on cue he realises how he is holding me. His arms and legs looses instanly. And a pink shade form over his face.

" Are you blushing ? " I laugh getting down from above him. " I never thought I would see the day."

" You should have seen your face when you were on top of me. "

" Atleast I was in top. " I smirk and this time his face turns beetroot red.

" So you like to be on top huh ? " He says it like a joke but my stomach falls in my mouth.

We both look everywhere else but at each other. Realising what we just said.

" So this is what it is like to have a fiance who is your best friend huh? " He says in a rasp deep voice.

The word fiance feels so strange it takes my breath away, " Yeah. " I manage.

" You said yes at 1:45 "

" What ? " I smile. " You noticed the time."

" Ofcourse 21 April 1:45 A.M. , you said Yes. I will remember it my whole life. "

" We will see." I smirk my insides tumble when he says whole life, it's like someone has started roller coaster inside me." You are not good at remembering date and time. "

He sits up on the bed. " Hey! I never forget the important ones. And this one... is not important, it's everything. "

" Why are you being so sweet, I can't digest it. " I enact as if I am vomiting but from inside the contents of my food are jumbling because of nervousness.

He gives me a lopsided smile. And my heart tugs. " My parents are gonna go rockers. "

I feel so nervous all of a sudden. How would I tell my parents? How would they react. Specially dad. I remember him saying, " I don't wanna let you go so soon." How would I convince them that I am sure about this when I feel so uncertain.

" Hey " he calls me out. " It's okay. We are going to talk to them first okay? I will be there don't worry. " He holds my hand and I instantly feel calm. " Let's sleep for sometime then, come on. "

He lays down with me and keeps touching my hair but remains at a distance. I just smell his presence and don't remember when my eyes close and I fall into a deep sleep.