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Chapter - 19 The Bomb.

" You live in this apartment? " Prisha pricks her cheeks like a tyke.

" That's how I got the key you know " I dangle the key on her face.

She looks at me as if I am crazy, " The director of the highest earning film of 2018 lives here!? "

" Yes, you live like a vagrant " Rohit says with gargantuan eyes.

They meandered to my bedroom and gasped. " You only have a bed there. " Rohit points at the bedroom door.

" Yeah that's why it's called BEDROOM, you know."

" Don't joke with us. On a serious note you earn so good and you are living in a one bedroom apartment with a bed and a tv and a fridge and this small cupboard not even a closet. " Prisha looks like she would faint any moment.

" First of all I didn't invite you here. Second of all, how do you know even if I am rich. Maybe I lost all my money in Vegas. " I joke.

And they both look like as if the world is going to collapse, I control the danger of the laughter that's trying to erupt from me.

" You...you are only joking right? You earn so much from movies, you are rich we know that, your mom is such a famous businesswoman and...and your dad he own hotels. "

I incrementally try to add more on the joke but the laughter erupts from me and I fall on the floor like a noodle wave.

" Look at your faces you idiots. You were on the verge of sweating. "

They both shake there faces like a spring doll. " You are such a liar " Prisha says a look of relief on her face.

" And you are so crenituos " I am laughing on the floor when my phone starts ringing again before I can get up to see who it is , even though my insides feels like it knows. Prisha picks it up and winks at me. " Someone is missing you. "

" Shut up. " I say and take the phone from her hands. I look at the screen and put it on silent mode. He won't leave me alone until he knows what happened and I can't tell him, otherwise he'll get upset.

" Why didn't you pick up the call? " Prisha tilts her head.

" Order something I am hungry " I say and head towards the bedroom. " I am gonna change. "

When I come out of the bedroom in shorts and t-shirt ( nobody has to know it's his shorts and t-shirt) , they are sitting on the floor with their legs spread. I smell the t-shirt before laughing at them, " Comfy isn't it? "

" You are so weird " Rohit observes.

" Thanks" I wink. And join them on the floor.

We are immersed in eating take-out when my phone starts vibrating again. I check and it's an unknown number.

I pick up the call. " He...Hello. " the other person says.

" Hello. Who is this? "

" Mam, I am the reporter that asked you question about Kiyansh Sir and you. "

" What? " How did she get my number?

" I... I called you to ask for apology. "

" Sorry? "

" M... Mam I am sorry. "

This is so weird. " Where did you get my number again? " I ask her incredulously.

" Mam... Mam I am so sorry , I was just trying to ask the questions no one asked and I was stupid. "

To be honest I wasn't feeling to say, it's okay. But her voice was quivering which made me feel bad. But why was she all of a sudden apologizing to me.

" It's okay. Where did you get my number? "

" Mam....mam I really didn't mean to. It was meant as a joke I didn't know Kiy..." She stops.

Kiy.. Kiyansh? What? Did he has something to do with her apology. How does he know?

" It's okay, don't worry, I have to go. " I say. And cut her call.

" What happened ? " Rohit asks taking a bite of lasagna.

" You guys eat, coming in a minute" I say and head to my bedroom, dialling the number on my speedial.

" Hey are you okay? " His rasp makes me want to sigh but I remember the quivering voice of the reporter.

" What did you do? "

" What did I do? " He sighs , " I miss you. "

" Kiyansh stop playing with me. Did you have to do anything with the reporter calling me and apologizing to me? " I resort to a deceptively calm voice.

" I am playing games ?" His icy freezing tone stills me on the spot. There's a silence for a minute before his voice lances through the phone. " A stupid reporter disrespects my fiancee in front of the whole crowd and my fiancee doesn't even beleive in me to tell me the truth when I ask her. I am calling her again and again but she is not picking up , Am I playing games? "

" Why are you repeating my fiancee again and again. "

His voice sounds like ice, he says every word so slow it sounds like death

" Because. You. Are. Do. You. By. Chance. Have. Any. Problem. With. It? " Every word cuts through my gut.

With a sustained patience I say, " No. "

" Thought so. " He says, his voice icy still.

" But i have problem with you threatning people. That repoter just asked a question, reporter ask questions. "

" She disrespected you. " His voice sounded like the angry water which would take any boulder and pebbles with it and in that moment I realise he will not let it go unless I make him to.

" Okay she called me and apologized to me now, let her off "

" No. "

" What!? Kiyansh no, you can't stop everyone who doesn't think good about me or disrespects me. "

" I can. " He replies curtly.

" Okay leave her alone and I will come Delhi tomorrow? "

There's silence for a second before he says in a much much light tone. " Are you sure? "

" Sure, Pinky Promise! "

" Okay " I hear a smile in his voice when he says, " I am waiting. And stop ignoring my calls. You make me worry. "

" Okay " I say with a releived breath. " You okay? "

He takes a deep breath. " Yeah I talked to you so I am. "

" Okay now I should go, Prisha and Rohit are waiting in the living room for me. "

" The leads of your film? "

" Yes " I smile, he remembers. He only remember the name of people he deems necessary.

" Okay " he says but doesn't cut the call.

The silence wavers between us. " I should go bye. "

" Ok" he whispers and I cut the call. I stand with the door on my back trying to calm myself down. While holding the pendant like a rope holds an anchored boat.

I turn and click open my bedroom door and..... Prisha and Rohit nearly fall on my legs.

I gasp in shock. " Were you listening to my conversation. "

" Oh my god! " Prisha jumps at me. Literally like a maniac jumps at me. I stagger back in surprise. " You are engaged." She squeals on my neck.

All the food inside me ties in a nervous knot. " Shanvi Shanvi I am so excited, when did this happen! " She stomps her foot on my bedroom floor.

" Woah Man! I didn't know that. You, out of all people, YOU ARE ENGAGED. " Rohit adds with a grin on his face.

" And he's so romantic. He blackmailed the reporter to apologise to you. That's so romantic! Just like in movies " she yells.

" Shut up that's not romantic, he's not some goon who blackmails. "

" Oh the reporters would be threatened by you after this. And the news that you are fiancee of THE KIYANSH SINGHANIA. It's going to burn people in jealousy. And even I will flaunt, the reporters won't bug me too because I am your friend. " She yells and hugs Rohit and me together.

" Calm down " I say. " You are going overboard with this. "

" No I am not. Let's celebrate. "

" No. Listen. We haven't told our parents yet so you guys would have to zip up your lips. You don't know about this okay? "

" Ofcourse" Prisha swoons like a full round around my living room. Thank God she became an actor otherwise people would have thought she is crazy.

" Congratulations " Rohit hugs me and pats me on my back.

" Now tell us the whole story. That witch Sahana I want to look at her face. Oh my god so fun it will be." Prisha claps her hand as if it has been announced that she is getting an Oscar.

Yeah, Prisha and Sahana hate each other. Since the first time they met each other. Like a look and they were the world's worst enemy. Specially since Prisha made debut on my film and Sahana said to a reporter, ' I feel her face fits more the antagonist type of role. I mean it's a suggestion. '

" Sit with us and tell us the whole story now. " They drag me to the floor and ofcourse, I only telltale them bits and parts, the whole story tightly knitted inside my heart for only us to know.