WebNovelMarry Me37.93%

Chapter - 22 Plans

Everyone is indulged in discussing about since how long they have waited for the moment. While me and Kiyansh are sitting silently.

Unlike everyday where I have no problem in stuffing my stomach with food, my stomach is in knots. My eyes goes on and on about my ring finger.

And then I realise I haven't given him anything.

" What are you thinking about? " He whispers beside me.

" Um nothing. " I instantly remove my eyes from my hands.

" We'll have to decide the date for the wedding. Oh it will be a dream come true" Mrs. Singhania gives a goofy smile while my mother fidgets in her seat. Oh I know the reason, she is a complete disaster in planning parties forget about weddings.

The thought of wedding completely makes me chaotic. Suddenly Kiyansh's hand comes to lap. I try not to jump. It becomes irresistible when his fingers move in a staccato over my skinny jeans.

He turns at me and gives me an " beleive me" look.

" We are thinking to get married soon. " He announces.

The food which I was trying to chew gets stuck inside my throat. His fingers starts to move faster on my lap. Instead of making me less nervous it makes me feel as if I want to jump and hide away in a corner.

" When? " My father tries to smile but I can see his sad smile coming up.

" We'll decide and tell you. " He takes a glance at me. " But within this month."

" What? " My mother nearly falls from the chair. Panick clear in her eyes.

" Not so soon. " my father adds.

" Atleast give us a month we need to prepare so much " Mrs. Singhania adds.

" No." Kiyansh stays sternly.

" But we have to...."

" No." He says with an assured no nonsense voice. " My assistant manager would look out for all the arrangements. His sister is a famous wedding planner. So no need to worry about the planning."

My mother's face instantly lightens but the sad look in my father's face makes my hand go to my lap. I put my hand over Kiyansh's and squeeze it. His brown eyes instantly turns towards me then with a defeated sigh he says " Okay but next month. "

My father's eyes instantly lightens, a happy smile covering his face. I give a thankful squeeze to him. He squeezes back.

" Okay so done. " Mrs. Singhania claps her hands. " We gonna have the best wedding ever. My children are getting married. I have seen you two together since childhood I could not even imagine you two with someone else. " She sniffs, a single tear falling from her eyes. Mr. Singhania instantly turns towards her and pats her gently on the back.

" But please I want simple things." This is the only line which I have managed since dinner and I could not even utter ' wedding' instead of 'things.'

" Oh leave it to us. We'll assure it's best. " Mrs. Singhania says erratically. I know her idea of simple it's very different from mine and it panicks me even more.

" Mom she doesn't like a lot of people. So unnecessary guests are a big no." Kiyansh adds in an unrelenting voice.

" That and please don't force her on the try this or that ' Lehenga ' or go to shopping every other day. She has a movie to be released. Except that you can get involved in any festivities you want. "

I give his hands a big squeeze. He knows me too much. His brown eyes look directly into mine and at that moment I understand what he is been trying to say since evening. " I am here. " I squeeze his hands again " Me Too " and he with that unusual beautiful smile on his face squeezes it back.


Twenty days has been passed since that day. And those twenty days have been the most chaotic, tired yet in a way blissful days of my life.

It felt like these were the most shortest days of my life. I didn't have any idea how soon the days passed. Almost every one hour I received a call from my mother or Kiyansh's mother asking me if I wanted Peone, Calla Lillies or Daisies. I said whatever you prefer and said bye.

Or I would get a call from my father asking if I wanted a big chocolate cake on my wedding day. It still gave me goosebumps to accept that this was happening. It almost felt like a dream as if it's all just in my head. Because as a kid I always dreamed about this day. All of a sudden it's coming real but it's making me real nervous specially since all the arrangements have been made and my movie is going to be released in two days. I have been travelling to and from Delhi my parents pleaded with me that I stayed with them. I gave in seeing my father's face but I regret it when my mother panickly comes into the middle of the night talking about wedding functions and dresses and people.

I almost back out but then one call from Kiyansh and it makes everything worth it. I am right now in Mumbai. Lying on my bed properly after two days of incessant work. I got so involved that I forgot that this is the day that the cards are going to be distributed. And the news of our wedding will come out.

I suddenly wish I was in Delhi with Kiyansh when it came out to media.

My phone rings and I pick it up ready to hear my mother's or Mrs. Singhania's questions about what dress or flowers should be decided when I see the caller ID and it's Ayan Kapoor.

Instantly a smile lights up on my face. During these days, I have quite often met with him, Prisha, Rohit and Kritika. The four of them made these days bearable with their shitty jokes.

It was a shock for him when I told him. But he told me after that semi-finals and yes India won in Finals. After that semi-finals he realised that he should not get involved with me because he saw how Kiyansh was glaring him off the whole time. And he soon after realised maybe he just liked me as a friend.

But I feel sometimes he is lying. I can see it in his eyes. But I choose to ignore it, for the sake of both of us.

" Hello. "

" Hello Boogy- woogy" he answers with a chuckle.

" Will you stop with your irritating names? "

" No. But I can maybe if you meet me on the Jigsaw pub. How about that? "

" I am really tired I want to sleep."

" Oh you can sleep later. But you gotta come here right now. "

" No. " I say.

" Okay coming to pick you up. Get dressed or I will drag you out in your obsessive shorts and t-shirt that you wear. "

" What? " I say but he has hung up on me already. So I drag myself groaning out of my comfy- so - comfy bed and get dressed in a white silk satin jumpsuit. I just comb my hair and apply nude lipgloss. But my panda eyes are evident enough to show I haven't slept for a long time properly.

My phone pings, " I am here. " Ayan texts.

So I take a deep breath and head downstairs.