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Chapter-33 Us

" And now you have to take seven rounds around the fire." The priest said with a longing appreciation on his face.

" Someone tie the knot please. "

I looked up at our mothers smiling at each other. And Kiyansh's mom holding one side and my mom holding mine.

" Finally " Kiyansh's mother grinned and they both tie the knot with the end of our clothes.

I couldn't look at Kiyansh. Something inside my chest was contrasting and I was scared of what he would see, he would know.

" Thank you. Now you can make the seven rounds 'Satapdi' " The priest said indicating to me first then Kiyansh.

" See I get to lead " I winked at Kiyansh and he smiled at me. His eyes shining like the glowing sandalwood in the fire.

We took the seven rounds every step encompassing something tightly inside me.

" Now you have to tie the mangalsutra on bride's neck." The priest said.

I stopped myself from narrowing my eyes.

Kiyansh stepped forward and whispered at me. " Just for today. I like the pendant better. "

I laughed and shook my head. " Thank you for knowing me like this." And I did the most un-brideable thing at him. I stuck my tounge out him.

I heard a click of the camera and then turned my head to find everyone laughing at us. Except the priest who had wide eyes, looking startled.

I saw Kiyansh grinning at me. And then without any further warning he stepped near me and tied the mangalsutra on my neck.

I took a deep breath.

" Hey look at me. " A deep raspy voice called me.

And I did. A wave of tingle passed from my head to toe. A constant tap on my insides. His eyes were freezed upon mine. His eyes saying things which I desperately needed to hear.

And then he stepped forward and kissed me on the forehead.

The priest gasped, he took such a deep breath that it felt like he was having a heart attack.

I looked around and saw Nani grinning at us. My cousin was just glaring at me. My father, he seemed to look right and left. My mother just shook her head and said from behind us. " You two won't just...."

" We told you latching us with traditions would be harmful. But you both won't listen. " Kiyansh commented wryly.

The priest seemed to have got his control back. He said convulsively as if he was in hurry to complete the marriage. " And just apply the vermilion. "

Kiyansh rolled his eyes slightly, just for me to see. And without a word applied Vermilion on my head. He kept making snide remarks and I didn't even know how much time passed when the Priest said.

" And in the name of God, I pronounce you as husband and wife. "

Everybody present in the crowd cheered and applauded.

Kiyansh looked at me and this time he didn't laugh or smile. He just stared at me and I just stared at him.

Stare. Stare. Stare.

" Oh my god " Kiyansh's mom squealed at me. And pushed Kiyansh aside, she hugged with so much excited force that I stumbled a little bit. " You are officially my daughter now. "

She stepped back and looked me with such fond eyes that a lump formed inside my throat. All the times whenever in childhood I fought with Kiyansh, she took my side. And it was not just Kiyansh who made me happy. Since childhood his parents always felt like mine. " Thank you. " She whispered so just we could hear each other. "Thank you for always saving him and never leaving him. Just really really thank you. " She said , tears spilling from her eyes.

" Mrs. Singhania...." I started.

" Mom. I was your mom and I am your mom. I was waiting for this day you know." She squeezed my hand.

I gulped and cleared my throat and tried the word, " Mom."

Her eyes shone and she nodded hastily.

" Mom you'll strangle her. " Kiyansh chastised from behind her. And she turned towards him her eyes still shining. Then without any warning she jumped at him too.

His eyes widened like dinner plates and his face became somewhat red. And he awkwardly patted her on the back looking at me for help.

I just smiled at him.

" Now now, Maya my turn. " My mother stepped forward and looked at both of us as if she was looking at the world's most prized possession, while our fathers were in the cue.

They all took turns in hugging and saying things to us. Which mostly made me smile and cry. Until Kiyansh said in a voice which stopped everybody. " You are not going to make her cry. Her blue eyes would turn to red. So all of you just stop crying for god's sake. "

Kiyansh's mom turned and looked proudly at him. It was clearly the reaction he was not expecting. Then she said in an excited rush " Right. Now we are going to Party. "

" Right and we both need to change so for some time please let us breath. " Kiyansh said in his usual rude demeanor.

" Come Shanvi let's get you changed. " Prisha hugged me delighted. "Congratulations. "

" Thank you. " I smiled and hugged her back.

" Let's go. " Kritika said gleaming in her beautiful aura. I could still see some men hanging around the madap a little bit too close.

" Wait. I need to talk to her. " Kiyansh cut-off immediately.

" You can do that later. " Nani quipped.

" Right now. " Kiyansh said and without waiting he held out his hands in front of me.

I took it. " Just a minute" I said to everyone, specially Nani with a pleading gaze.

She harrumphed. But didn't say anything.

I took the cue and went towards a corner with Kiyansh.

" Hey WIFE. " He said squeezing my hand tightly.

I blushed. For god's sake why do I keep blushing in front of him. It's embarrassing and should not be allowed to blush in front if your best friend.

" Won't you call me Husband then? "

" Do you want me to? " I jostled.

" Yes. " He said peurileshly.

I gave him a wicked smile. " Okay Mr. Ashley. "

He shakes his head. " Okay listen. My security team told me you told them to not stay with you. "

" Why do I need security here? "

" They stay away you wouldn't even know. Please let them stay. " He says and I see the change in his face. He looks like he has tasted something rotten.

" Is everything okay? " I ask.

" Yes it is. " He gives me a smile, the kind of smile which he knows I won't say not to,the dimpled smile. " Just let them stay."

I wanted to argue but I didn't say anything. " Okay " I sigh.

Kiyansh steps forward.

" Time is over. " A strict sharp voice cuts off. And I see Nani standing with her arms folded.

Kiyansh tries to pass her a challenging glare but then just nods at her.

Nani nods back.

She thinks she definitely won the round but then from nowhere she sees the bodyguard circling us.

She glares at him and opens her mouth to say something. But he just shakes his head.

Then out of nowhere I see a look pass between them. She nods her head at him. Is she listening to him?


Looks like he won the round.


Have you seen nature? Can you buy it? No. Does it makes you happy? Yes.

That's how life is, you don't have to buy things to be happy. The most wonderful things in life are simply there.